jpillora / sshd-lite

A feature-light sshd(8) for Windows, Mac, and Linux written in Go
MIT License
82 stars 24 forks source link

99% Windows support #1

Closed Fusion closed 2 years ago

Fusion commented 2 years ago

As suggested in this thread: it is indeed possible to support Windows.

A very interesting pull request, waiting to be integrated in the pty project (find it here: offers seamless Windows integration.

Due to this relying on an unmerged upstream pull request, I am not really expecting you to just merge in this pull request and call it a day :)

"And what about the remaining 1%?" you may ask. Well, that remaining 1% is that, while resize et al work well, in order to exit a powershell or cmd session, you will need to hit ENTER~. as typing exit in powershell does not close the SSH session. In fact, no session request is generated at this time, nor does the pty get EOF. So far, googling the issue has not helped much. I found this related issue when using Cygwin ( but no solution (I suspect the fix lies somewhere in the ConPTY API, which I am not very familiar with)

jpillora commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the PR, ill add some comments to the change files - and extra change needed: add windows to the CI process to test this (.github/workflows)

jpillora commented 2 years ago

Also, in addition to adding windows, can you please bump up the test matrix to go 1.15/16/17?

Fusion commented 2 years ago

@jpillora I've made a few modifications as per your comments. I think all that's missing is for goreleaser to actually release, which I could add in another PR. Please take a look at my recent modification to server.go, where I handle Windows session^H^H^H^H^H^Hshell exit.

jpillora commented 2 years ago

Thanks Chris! Will try review tonight

On Thu, 30 Sep 2021 at 11:56 am Chris F Ravenscroft < @.***> wrote:

@jpillora I've made a few modifications as per your comments. I think all that's missing is for goreleaser to actually release, which I could add in another PR. Please take a look at my recent modification to server.go, where I handle Windows session^H^H^H^H^H^Hshell exit.

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jpillora commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I should have been clearer here

Can we put the fork of pty in a separate repo and then depend on this forked repo using go.mod/sum? That way we don't need to pull in a local copy

Fusion commented 2 years ago

You know, I was not all that comfortable with "swallowing" that repo whole so I like this idea much better! This being said, since this project is not under the umbrella of an organization, I would worry that a separate repo could disappear just as well as the current fork. Maybe you could create this repo yourself so that both repos belong to the same account, and I would then reference the second repo as a submodule?

jpillora commented 2 years ago

Disappearing repos a danger for all go modules - such is life 😄

On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 7:00 am Chris F Ravenscroft @.***> wrote:

You know, I was not all that comfortable with "swallowing" that repo whole so I like this idea much better! This being said, since this project is not under the umbrella of an organization, I would worry that a separate repo could disappear just as well as the current fork. Maybe you could create this repo yourself so that both repos belong to the same account, and I would then reference the second repo as a submodule?

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jpillora commented 2 years ago

Most important thing is that it can’t be secretly made malicious - and go.sum protects us from this

On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 7:00 am Chris F Ravenscroft @.***> wrote:

You know, I was not all that comfortable with "swallowing" that repo whole so I like this idea much better! This being said, since this project is not under the umbrella of an organization, I would worry that a separate repo could disappear just as well as the current fork. Maybe you could create this repo yourself so that both repos belong to the same account, and I would then reference the second repo as a submodule?

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jpillora commented 2 years ago

Sorry forgot to answer your actual question - let’s use the repo from can directly use it directly + we’ll need a mod replace ( ) to allow it to compile

On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 7:00 am Chris F Ravenscroft @.***> wrote:

You know, I was not all that comfortable with "swallowing" that repo whole so I like this idea much better! This being said, since this project is not under the umbrella of an organization, I would worry that a separate repo could disappear just as well as the current fork. Maybe you could create this repo yourself so that both repos belong to the same account, and I would then reference the second repo as a submodule?

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Fusion commented 2 years ago

Feeling a bit dumb now. From what I can tell, I cannot use a replace statement without a tag (form: vx.y.z) unless I am replacing using a local directory. Therefore I'm afraid I am not sure how I could use that repo?

jpillora commented 2 years ago

All good, I can give it a try and report back, I think you can do go get @.***

On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 9:57 am Chris F Ravenscroft @.***> wrote:

Feeling a bit dumb now. From what I can tell, I cannot use a replace statement without a tag (form: vx.y.z) unless I am replacing using a local directory. Therefore I'm afraid I am not sure how I could use that repo?

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jpillora commented 2 years ago

Owow GitHub censored the command... trying it now...

jpillora commented 2 years ago

I thought we could do

replace => v0.0.0-20210929185349-8fab97d83d6f


$ go get -v

# but no dice
go get: parsing go.mod:
    module declares its path as:
            but was required as:

Sorry for the run around! looks like we need to fork. Can you fork, change the go.mod to match your user (ensure it compiles stand-alone), tag it with v1.1.13 and then we can just use that as a normal dependency

If there are future windows issues, I'll tag you and we can bump your fork - and hopefully - it gets merged downstream, then we just switch back to creack

Fusion commented 2 years ago

Ok, done.

I'm going to look a bit more in depth into what goreleaser can do...

Fusion commented 2 years ago

OK. goreleaser is in:make publish

jpillora commented 2 years ago

Hey Chris, looks good! There is already a goreleaser file in .github/, can we merge any changes into that one? Then we're good to go I think

jpillora commented 2 years ago

A bit of context, CI action (also in .github) runs tests on every commit, and runs goreleaser (with github token for auto-releases) on every tag

Fusion commented 2 years ago

OK. I hope this is what you had in mind!

jpillora commented 2 years ago

Tested on a Windows machine, works well, thanks Chris!