Due to changes of default values in urllib3 it is not possible to connect to etcd clusters without working ssl validation currently.
Documented behaviopur in client.py (and in dependent projects):
"ca_cert (str): The ca certificate. If pressent it will enable validation."
Actual behaviour:
cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED is the new urllib3 default, ssl validation is on.
Due to changes of default values in urllib3 it is not possible to connect to etcd clusters without working ssl validation currently. Documented behaviopur in client.py (and in dependent projects): "ca_cert (str): The ca certificate. If pressent it will enable validation." Actual behaviour: cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED is the new urllib3 default, ssl validation is on.
Easiest solution: https://github.com/jplana/python-etcd/pull/285 (set ssl.CERT_NONE and turn off urllib3 ssl-warnings for lack of ssl validation if ca_cert is not set)