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Page club : issue in the calcul of the largest payment made by an administration? #11

Closed annelisebouyer closed 8 years ago

annelisebouyer commented 8 years ago

Currently,here!/clubs/fr-montpellierhsc, the app says that the largest payment occured in 2012 But on the chart, we can clearly see that the largest payment occured in 2009 (I check the data and the chart is right)

capture d ecran 2016-01-27 a 18 34 35

pirhoo commented 8 years ago

The chart is right : It shows the total amount received by a beneficiary (using several transfers). The sentence is right : it shows the biggest single transfer .

For instance, in that pivot table : in yellow you see the biggest transfers, in red the biggest sum of transfers (for a single beneficiary) as it is displayed in the chart: capture du 2016-01-28 10-45-29

annelisebouyer commented 8 years ago

Yes you're right it happens that my texts are not clear at all. I will edit this part in adding: