jpmeijers / RN2483-Arduino-Library

Arduino C++ code to communicate with a Microchip RN2483 module
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modifications for single-channel gateways #37

Closed eliabieri closed 7 years ago

eliabieri commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone, what modifications would I have to do to use this library with a single channel gateway? I thought about changing the duty cycles in a way, that only one channel is used in reality. I would do this in this section of code: ''

    //RX window 2
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set rx2 3 869525000"));

    //channel 0
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 0 799"));

    //channel 1
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch drrange 1 0 6"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 1 799"));

    //channel 2
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 2 799"));

    //channel 3
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch freq 3 867100000"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch drrange 3 0 5"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 3 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 3 on"));

    //channel 4
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch freq 4 867300000"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch drrange 4 0 5"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 4 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 4 on"));

    //channel 5
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch freq 5 867500000"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch drrange 5 0 5"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 5 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 5 on"));

    //channel 6
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch freq 6 867700000"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch drrange 6 0 5"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 6 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 6 on"));

    //channel 7
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch freq 7 867900000"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch drrange 7 0 5"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 7 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 7 on"));

    returnValue = true;
    returnValue = false;


case TTN_US:
 * Most of the TTN_US frequency plan was copied from:
  if(_moduleType == RN2903)
    for(int channel=0; channel<72; channel++)
      // Build command string. First init, then add int.
      String command = F("mac set ch status ");
      command += channel;

      if(channel>=8 && channel<16)
        sendRawCommand(command+F(" on"));
        sendRawCommand(command+F(" off"));
    returnValue = true;
    returnValue = false;

  if(_moduleType == RN2483)
    //fix duty cycle - 1% = 0.33% per channel
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 0 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 1 799"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch dcycle 2 799"));

    //disable non-default channels
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 3 on"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 4 on"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 5 on"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 6 on"));
    sendRawCommand(F("mac set ch status 7 on"));

    returnValue = true;
    returnValue = false;

  //set default channels 868.1, 868.3 and 868.5?
  returnValue = false; //well we didn't do anything, so yes, false

'' Am I right, and how would I do it exactly? I use this single channel library and I listen on the following frequency: 868100000

jpmeijers commented 7 years ago

This is already implemented in the latest version of this library. The single channel frequency plan uses 868.1MHz and changes the duty cycle to be 1% on that channel.

All you have to do is call: myLora.setFrequencyPlan(SINGLE_CHANNEL_EU); after myLora.init.

I assume you are doing this in Europe?

eliabieri commented 7 years ago

Ok thanks for the help. Can you explain me the exact difference between these two calls? sendRawCommand(F("mac set rx2 5 868100000")); //use this for "strict" one channel gateways sendRawCommand(F("mac set rx2 3 869525000")); //use for "non-strict" one channel gateways

jpmeijers commented 7 years ago

That is only for when you use this code:

Their documentation should say what the differences are.

In general we do not like "strict" single channel gateways as they are even further away from the lorawan specification.