jpmml / jpmml-sklearn

Java library and command-line application for converting Scikit-Learn pipelines to PMML
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Convert XGBRegressor Model to PMML File Encounter An Error #159

Closed EVOk06 closed 3 years ago

EVOk06 commented 3 years ago

I'm getting an problem when I try to convert XGBRegressor model to pmml model file. part of source code:

import xgboost as xgb

XGB2 = xgb.XGBRegressor(
learning_rate =0.1,
reg_alpha = 0.01,
objective= 'reg:squarederror', 
nthread=8, random_state = 7,
pipeline = PMMLPipeline([('regressor', XGB2)])
sklearn2pmml(pipeline, 'test.pmml', debug=True)

and then throw an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, all debug information as followed

python: 3.7.7
sklearn: 0.24.1
sklearn2pmml: 0.69.0
joblib: 0.13.0
sklearn_pandas: 2.1.0
pandas: 1.2.3
numpy: 1.19.1
openjdk: 1.8.0_181
Executing command:
java -cp /home/xiewenkang/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn2pmml/resources/gson-2.8.6.jar:/home/xiewenkang/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn2pmml/resources/guava-21.0.jar:/home/xiewenkang/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn2pmml/resources/h2o-genmodel- org.jpmml.sklearn.Main --pkl-pipeline-input /tmp/pipeline-x8q1gjb9.pkl.z --pmml-output test.pmml
Standard output is empty
Standard error:
Mar 31, 2021 1:22:03 PM org.jpmml.sklearn.Main run
INFO: Parsing PKL..
Mar 31, 2021 1:22:03 PM org.jpmml.sklearn.Main run
INFO: Parsed PKL in 7 ms.
Mar 31, 2021 1:22:03 PM org.jpmml.sklearn.Main run
INFO: Converting PKL to PMML..
Mar 31, 2021 1:22:03 PM sklearn2pmml.pipeline.PMMLPipeline initTargetFields
WARNING: Attribute 'sklearn2pmml.pipeline.PMMLPipeline.target_fields' is not set. Assuming y as the name of the target field
Mar 31, 2021 1:22:03 PM org.jpmml.sklearn.Main run
SEVERE: Failed to convert PKL to PMML
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attribute 'xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor._Booster' not set
    at org.jpmml.python.PythonObject.get(
    at xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor.getBooster(
    at xgboost.sklearn.BoosterUtil.getLearner(
    at xgboost.sklearn.BoosterUtil.getNumberOfFeatures(
    at xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor.getNumberOfFeatures(
    at sklearn2pmml.pipeline.PMMLPipeline.initActiveFields(
    at sklearn2pmml.pipeline.PMMLPipeline.encodePMML(
    at org.jpmml.sklearn.Main.main(

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attribute 'xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor._Booster' not set
    at org.jpmml.python.PythonObject.get(
    at xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor.getBooster(
    at xgboost.sklearn.BoosterUtil.getLearner(
    at xgboost.sklearn.BoosterUtil.getNumberOfFeatures(
    at xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor.getNumberOfFeatures(
    at sklearn2pmml.pipeline.PMMLPipeline.initActiveFields(
    at sklearn2pmml.pipeline.PMMLPipeline.encodePMML(
    at org.jpmml.sklearn.Main.main(

Preserved joblib dump file(s): /tmp/pipeline-x8q1gjb9.pkl.z

Why this exception occur?And how to fix it?

vruusmann commented 3 years ago

Why this exception occur?

The XGB(Classifier|Regressor)._Booster attribute is initialized during model training.

You haven't trained your model yet.

And how to fix it?

Invoke (PMML), y) with a training dataset.