jpnurmi / flutter_libserialport

Serial Port for Flutter
MIT License
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Getting wrong data format :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: #75

Closed larbi-asmaoui closed 2 months ago

larbi-asmaoui commented 1 year ago


import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_libserialport/flutter_libserialport.dart';

class SerialPorts extends ChangeNotifier { List _ports = SerialPort.availablePorts; String _res = ""; SerialPort? printerPort; SerialPort? scalePort;

List get availablePorts => _ports;

double get getData => double.parse(_res); set setData(String data) { _res = data; notifyListeners(); }

void setPortName(String name) {}

void listAllPorts() { _ports = SerialPort.availablePorts; notifyListeners(); }

Future connect(String portName) async { try { printerPort = SerialPort(portName); printerPort!.open(mode: 1); printerPort!.config = SerialPortConfig() ..baudRate = 9600 ..bits = 8 ..stopBits = 1 ..parity = SerialPortParity.none ..rts = SerialPortRts.flowControl ..cts = SerialPortCts.flowControl ..dsr = SerialPortDsr.flowControl ..dtr = SerialPortDtr.flowControl ..setFlowControl(SerialPortFlowControl.rtsCts); if (printerPort!.isOpen) { read(); notifyListeners(); } } catch (e) { print(e.toString()); printerPort!.close(); notifyListeners(); } }

Future read() async { try { SerialPortReader reader = SerialPortReader(printerPort!, timeout: 3000); Stream upcomingData = (data) => String.fromCharCodes(data).replaceAll('\r\n', ''), ); upcomingData.listen((data) { _res += data.replaceAll('\r\n', ''); print(res); }); notifyListeners(); } on SerialPortError catch (err, ) { if (printerPort!.isOpen) { printerPort!.close(); print(SerialPort.lastError); notifyListeners(); } } }

void disconnect() { printerPort!.dispose(); scalePort!.dispose(); printerPort!.close(); scalePort!.close(); print("disconnected !!"); notifyListeners(); } }

I run this code and I got data like this : 28.0028.0028.0028.0028.0028.00

I want to print each value per each line.please help.

realrk95 commented 1 year ago

What is the delimiter or indication of new line? I would recommend capturing the values and using regex patterns to do this.

larbi-asmaoui commented 1 year ago

What is the delimiter or indication of new line? I would recommend capturing the values and using regex patterns to do this.

I think the error goes here: Stream upcomingData = (data) => String.fromCharCodes(data).replaceAll('\r\n', ''), ); upcomingData.listen((data) { _res += data.replaceAll('\r\n', ''); print(_res); });