jpoehls / dotnetmigrations

DotNetMigrations is a database migration framework that assists in managing and versioning database changes. It was originally designed as a straight port of the rails functionality located in the Ruby on Rails framework; however, has recently moved into a more open framework thanks to the power of the Managed Extensibility Framework.
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DNM library that can be embedded in your application to run migrations #15

Open jpoehls opened 14 years ago

jpoehls commented 14 years ago

The focus would be on making a library that could be referenced by an ASP.NET (or other) application. At the least, this library needs a public Migrate(string connectionString, string migrationsFolder) function that can be called to run migrations on the given database.

Use case would be a web application that auto-upgrades the database in the OnApplicationStart global.asax event.

This would greatly simplify deployments by removing the database update step. Just deploy the code and you're done.

This would be safer after the 'test' command has been created so that migration testing could be integrated into the CI tests.