DotNetMigrations is a database migration framework that assists in managing and versioning database changes. It was originally designed as a straight port of the rails functionality located in the Ruby on Rails framework; however, has recently moved into a more open framework thanks to the power of the Managed Extensibility Framework.
DNM-Contrib? – New Seed Data function. Each seed data script should have a migration number that it gets applied at. When you migrate the database, the seed data scripts up to the current migration should be applied (if they weren’t already). This implies we need a new table in the database to track which seed data scripts have been ran. Also we need an OnMigrated() hook that fires after a migration is run so that our seed data runner can tie in and execute the required scripts. How do we handle rollbacks? Seed data really can’t be rolled back, does this matter?
DNM-Contrib? – New Seed Data function. Each seed data script should have a migration number that it gets applied at. When you migrate the database, the seed data scripts up to the current migration should be applied (if they weren’t already). This implies we need a new table in the database to track which seed data scripts have been ran. Also we need an OnMigrated() hook that fires after a migration is run so that our seed data runner can tie in and execute the required scripts. How do we handle rollbacks? Seed data really can’t be rolled back, does this matter?