jpoet / HauppaugeUSB

MythTV wrapper around the Hauppauge HD-PVR2/Colossus2 driver
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Failed to open dev (v2) #23

Closed neyuru closed 4 years ago

neyuru commented 4 years ago

As a non-root user I am unable to run hauppauge2. Double checked the serial number is correct and that I am in video group.

/opt/Hauppauge/bin/hauppauge2 -s E585-00-00AF9EBE -R 7 -r 4000000 -d 1 -C 0 -p 4 -A 0 -o /tmp/testpipe_stream 2020-06-05T17:03:00.261606 CRIT

Logger.cpp:83 (setLogLevelFilter) Changing loglevel to NOTC 2020-06-05T17:03:00.261684 CRIT
hauppauge2.cpp:352 (main) Starting up Failed to open dev. 2020-06-05T17:03:00.267399 CRIT
hauppauge2.cpp:360 (main) Device E585-00-00AF9EBE not found on USB bus. Failed to open dev.

jpoet commented 4 years ago

Did you skip the udev step in the instructions?

neyuru commented 4 years ago

Do you mean creating the nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-Hauppauge.rules file? If so, no... =(

neyuru commented 4 years ago

btw, in that file there are:

ATTRS{idVendor} ATTR{serial}

options. Are these correctly spelled? I mean one is ATTRS and the other is ATTR

jhoyt4 commented 4 years ago

those are correct my udev rule reads

# colossus2
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}=="2040",ATTR{serial}=="E585-00-00D642B7",MODE="0660",GROUP="video",SYMLINK+="colossus2-1",TAG+="systemd",RUN="/bin/sh -c 'echo -1 > /sys$devpath/power/autosuspend'"
neyuru commented 4 years ago

I have

# Device 1
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}=="2040",ATTR{serial}=="E585-00-00AF9EBE",MODE="0660",GROUP="video",SYMLINK+="hdpvr2_1",TAG+="systemd",RUN="/bin/sh -c 'echo -1 > /sys$devpath/power/autosuspend'"

# Device 2
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",ATTRS{idVendor}=="2040",ATTR{serial}=="E585-00-00AF9EBE",MODE="0660",GROUP="video",SYMLINK+="colossus2-1",TAG+="systemd",RUN="/bin/sh -c 'echo -1 > /sys$devpath/power/autosuspend'"
jhoyt4 commented 4 years ago

Just a note - the new udev rules won't apply until you reboot or run udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

jpoet commented 4 years ago

You have 2 devices? both a Colossus2 and a HD-PVR2? Each will have its own serial number, and you are using the same one for both devices.

neyuru commented 4 years ago

@jhoyt4 reloading the rules did it. @jpoet you're absolutely right, I will comment out the HD-PVR2 as I only have the Colossus2

Thank you, all!