Open db48x opened 2 years ago
Hi @db48x, would you mind posting an example of your code and maybe highlight the pain points? Maybe I can give some tips, or maybe there's a way to make the API more friendly
After going back and forth a bit, here is what I currently have:
pub async fn get_all_pages<Auth, T>(rl: &DefaultRateLimiter,
initial_response: twitter_v2::Result<Option<ApiResponse<Auth, Vec<T>, ResultCountMeta>>>,
expected: Option<usize>) -> Result<Vec<T>>
where Auth: Authorization + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug,
T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + Clone + Debug + Send + Sync {
let mut items: Vec<T> = match expected {
Some(v) => Vec::with_capacity(v),
_ => Vec::new(),
let mut response: twitter_v2::Result<Option<ApiResponse<Auth, Vec<T>, ResultCountMeta>>> = initial_response;
loop {
match response {
// BUG(db48x): no way to retry if the initial request got a 429
Err(e) => return Err(anyhow!(e)),
Ok(None) => break,
Ok(Some(ref r)) => {
if let Some(new_items) = {
if matches!(r.meta(), Some(meta) if meta.next_token().is_some()) {
let new_response = r.next_page().await;
match new_response {
Err(twitter_v2::Error::Request(ref e)) if e.is_timeout() || e.is_connect() || e.status() == Some(reqwest::StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS) => {
warn!(error=?e, "retrying due to request error");
Err(twitter_v2::Error::Api(ref e)) if e.status == reqwest::StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS => {
warn!(error=?e, "retrying due to 429 response");
Err(e) => return Err(anyhow!(e)),
_ => {
response = new_response;
} else {
A caller would look like this:
pub async fn get_list_members<Auth>(api: &TwitterApi<Auth>, rl: &DefaultRateLimiter, list_id: u64) -> Result<Vec<User>>
where Auth: Authorization + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug {
let response = api.get_list_members(list_id)
.user_fields([UserField::Id, UserField::Name])
.map(|response| Some(response));
get_all_pages(rl, response, None)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to fetch list members for list {list_id}"))
Three things about it still annoy me:
rather than a Stream<Item=T>
. (I imagined that once I got it written well it wouldn’t be too hard to turn it into a stream, but my first attempt didn’t go well so who knows.)I’m going to spend a few hours today to see if I can solve the second problem by writing a function that takes a closure returning a response and recalls the closure if the response is one that can be retried. I am hoping that will simplify get_all_pages
Oh, the fourth thing that annoys me is the .map(|response| Some(response))
in the callers.
Here it is with retrying pulled out as a separate function. A little better perhaps, but still plenty of annoyances. Also, async closures are nightly–only; I had forgotten about that.
type DefaultRateLimiter = governor::RateLimiter<governor::state::NotKeyed, governor::state::InMemoryState, governor::clock::DefaultClock>;
type OptionResponse<Auth, T, Meta> = twitter_v2::Result<Option<twitter_v2::ApiResponse<Auth, Vec<T>, Meta>>>;
type Response<Auth, T, Meta> = twitter_v2::Result<twitter_v2::ApiResponse<Auth, Vec<T>, Meta>>;
pub async fn get_list_members<Auth>(api: &TwitterApi<Auth>, rl: &DefaultRateLimiter, list_id: u64) -> Result<Vec<User>>
where Auth: Authorization + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug {
async || {
.user_fields([UserField::Id, UserField::Name])
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to fetch list members for list {list_id}"))
pub async fn retry<Auth, T, Meta, F, Fut>(rl: &DefaultRateLimiter, func: F) -> OptionResponse<Auth, T, Meta>
where Auth: Authorization + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug,
T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + Clone + Debug + Send + Sync,
F: Fn() -> Fut,
Fut: std::future::Future<Output = OptionResponse<Auth, T, Meta>> {
loop {
match func().await {
Err(twitter_v2::Error::Request(ref e)) if e.is_timeout() || e.is_connect() => {
warn!(error=?e, "retrying due to request error");
Err(twitter_v2::Error::Api(ref e)) if e.status == reqwest::StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS => {
warn!(error=?e, "retrying due to 429 response");
// TODO(db48x): extend the twitter_v2 crate to expose the
// rate–limiting information provided by the twitter api
response => {
if let Ok(Some(ref r)) = response {
tracing::info!(url=%r.url(), "success");
return response;
pub async fn get_all_pages<Auth, T, Meta, F, Fut>(rl: &DefaultRateLimiter,
func: F,
expected: Option<usize>) -> Result<Vec<T>>
where Auth: Authorization + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug,
T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + Clone + Debug + Send + Sync,
Meta: twitter_v2::meta::PaginationMeta + serde::de::DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync,
F: Fn() -> Fut,
Fut: std::future::Future<Output = Response<Auth, T, Meta>> {
let mut items: Vec<T> = match expected {
Some(v) => Vec::with_capacity(v),
_ => Vec::new(),
let mut response: OptionResponse<Auth, T, Meta> = retry(rl, async || func();
loop {
match response {
Err(e) => return Err(anyhow!(e)),
Ok(None) => break,
Ok(Some(ref r)) => {
if let Some(new_items) = {
if matches!(r.meta(), Some(meta) if meta.next_token().is_some()) {
response = retry(rl, async || r.next_page().await).await;
} else {
Note: edited to remove the fourth annoyance.
Could you include or point to some existing code that uses the PaginableApiResult to fetch a list, such as a user’s list of followers?
My first several attempts to write this worked, but are super ugly. I feel like I am missing an obvious way to write it that would be readable or even beautiful. I used the governor crate to rate–limit the requests, but I haven’t yet done anything to retry transient errors; I feel like it’s ugly enough already.