If i want to change the import format for datetime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) field it will fail to import.
I already write the mapping about date format in sh file, but jdbc seems automatically insert data with elastic date format (epoch millis) rather than mysql format.
[20:43:30,500][ERROR][org.xbib.elasticsearch.helper.client.BulkTransportClient][elasticsearch[importer][listener][T#1]] bulk [1] failed with 1000 failed items, failure message = failure in bulk execution:
[0]: index [tbl_badan_hukum], type [tbl_badan_hukum], id [AVRDXEh2wvrO2IR6-yNu], message [MapperParsingException[failed to parse [created]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Invalid format: "2014-10-01T13:40:24.000+07:00" is malformed at "T13:40:24.000+07:00"];]
You have to convert date/timestamps to ISO 8601 UTC in your SQL query to match Elasticsearch date format.
JDBC importer does not support any "native" date format of a database, such as MySQL.
If i want to change the import format for datetime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) field it will fail to import. I already write the mapping about date format in sh file, but jdbc seems automatically insert data with elastic date format (epoch millis) rather than mysql format.
my sh file
the error log (repetitive until end)