jprichardson / string.js

Extra JavaScript string methods.
1.8k stars 232 forks source link

npm audit returns 23 vulnerabilities (11 low, 8 high, 4 critical) #220

Open chezearth opened 5 years ago

chezearth commented 5 years ago

It's mostly older dependencies. This library is a key dependency for swagger-test-templates --in turn a dependency for swagger-node, which I find very useful for API dev as well. I've fixed all of these, run the tests and I'm trying to make a pull request.

charles@Charles-MacBook$ npm audit

                       === npm audit security report ===

# Run  npm install --save-dev mochify@5.8.1  to resolve 6 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ mochify [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ mochify > mocaccino > mocha > debug                          │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ mochify [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ mochify > mocha > debug                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ mochify [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ mochify > mocaccino > mocha > glob > minimatch               │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ mochify [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ mochify > mocha > glob > minimatch                           │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Critical      │ Command Injection                                            │
│ Package       │ growl                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ mochify [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ mochify > mocaccino > mocha > growl                          │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Critical      │ Command Injection                                            │
│ Package       │ growl                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ mochify [dev]                                                │
│ Path          │ mochify > mocha > growl                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm install --save-dev gulp@4.0.0  to resolve 5 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-stream > glob > minimatch             │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-stream > minimatch                    │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-watcher > gaze > globule > glob >     │
│               │ minimatch                                                    │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-watcher > gaze > globule > minimatch  │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ lodash                                                       │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-watcher > gaze > globule > lodash     │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm install --save-dev gulp-mocha@6.0.0  to resolve 3 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-mocha [dev]                                             │
│ Path          │ gulp-mocha > mocha > debug                                   │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-mocha [dev]                                             │
│ Path          │ gulp-mocha > mocha > glob > minimatch                        │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Critical      │ Command Injection                                            │
│ Package       │ growl                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-mocha [dev]                                             │
│ Path          │ gulp-mocha > mocha > growl                                   │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify@3.0.1  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Low           │ Incorrect Handling of Non-Boolean Comparisons During         │
│               │ Minification                                                 │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-uglify [dev]                                            │
│ Path          │ gulp-uglify > uglify-js                                      │
│ More info     │                        │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-uglify [dev]                                            │
│ Path          │ gulp-uglify > uglify-js                                      │
│ More info     │                        │

# Run  npm install --save-dev uglify-js@3.4.9  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Low           │ Incorrect Handling of Non-Boolean Comparisons During         │
│               │ Minification                                                 │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ uglify-js [dev]                                              │
│ Path          │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ More info     │                        │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ uglify-js [dev]                                              │
│ Path          │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ More info     │                        │

│                                Manual Review                                 │
│            Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve            │
│                                                                              │
│         Visit for additional guidance          │
│ Critical      │ Potential Command Injection                                  │
│ Package       │ shell-quote                                                  │
│ Patched in    │ >=1.6.1                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-browserify [dev]                                        │
│ Path          │ gulp-browserify > browserify > shell-quote                   │
│ More info     │                       │
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=3.0.2                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-browserify [dev]                                        │
│ Path          │ gulp-browserify > browserify > glob > minimatch              │
│ More info     │                       │
│ Low           │ Incorrect Handling of Non-Boolean Comparisons During         │
│               │ Minification                                                 │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >= 2.4.24                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-browserify [dev]                                        │
│ Path          │ gulp-browserify > browserify > umd > ruglify > uglify-js     │
│ More info     │                        │
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.6.0                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-browserify [dev]                                        │
│ Path          │ gulp-browserify > browserify > umd > ruglify > uglify-js     │
│ More info     │                        │
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ uglify-js                                                    │
│ Patched in    │ >=2.6.0                                                      │
│ Dependency of │ gulp-browserify [dev]                                        │
│ Path          │ gulp-browserify > browserify > umd > uglify-js               │
│ More info     │                        │
found 23 vulnerabilities (11 low, 8 high, 4 critical) in 5094 scanned packages
  18 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.
  5 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.
jprichardson commented 5 years ago

I don't have the bandwidth for this project anymore. If someone would step up and maintain it, that'd be awesome.

I just looked at swagger-node, not being used AFAICT:

chezearth commented 5 years ago

Can I do a pull request? I wrote the issue up a bit too fast: my apologies, the project is a dependency of swagger-test-templates. I've made some changes and run the tests -- they still succeed, plus npm audit is happy too.

chezearth commented 5 years ago

BTW, I see you work for Exodus. Very cool. I use your product 👍

sdeceuninck commented 5 years ago


how is it possible to get the corrected version ... the pull request is still on going and the 3.3.4 version is not available at this time in npm repositories.
