some time ago, you've implemented a rtmp stats page, which i think already comment, doesn't work for my purposes. i want to purpose the following additional code to webapp.lua in order to work with stats - basically will define what steps i take in order to adapt your code with nginxs' stats page.
adding following line somewhere at start of webapp.lua:
local function xml_xsl_out(req,err,status)
status = status or 404
return req:write({
layout = 'plain',
content_type = 'application/xml',
status = status
}, err)
I've been considering discontinuing this project for some time now. I'm sorry I couldn't solve your issue, but I just don't enjoy working on multistreamer anymore.
some time ago, you've implemented a rtmp stats page, which i think already comment, doesn't work for my purposes. i want to purpose the following additional code to webapp.lua in order to work with stats - basically will define what steps i take in order to adapt your code with nginxs' stats page.
comment the following
-- return plain_err_out(self,buf,200)
then add the following
buf = string.gsub(buf, '?>', '?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stat.xsl" ?>\n')
return xml_xsl_out(self,buf,200)
The custom stat.xml can be found here:
So, because i can't purpose new changes to the code, please, add this to your scope of changes.