In the setup-script, atitude (should be corrected to altitude) is requested from the user. It's not clear wich unit is in context.
"mlat-client -h" says: "Altitude of the receiver (height above ellipsoid).
Required. Defaults to metres, but units may specified
with a 'ft' or 'm' suffix. (Except if they're negative
due to option parser weirdness. Sorry!)"
Please add that information into the setup-script.
In the setup-script, atitude (should be corrected to altitude) is requested from the user. It's not clear wich unit is in context.
"mlat-client -h" says: "Altitude of the receiver (height above ellipsoid). Required. Defaults to metres, but units may specified with a 'ft' or 'm' suffix. (Except if they're negative due to option parser weirdness. Sorry!)"
Please add that information into the setup-script.