jpschewe / fll-sw

FIRST Lego League scoring software
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Separate out non-numeric nominees checkboxes from callbacks #1170

Open jpschewe opened 5 months ago

jpschewe commented 5 months ago

The non-numeric nominees list for callbacks and the storage of teams nominated from the checkboxes on the rubrics need to be separate lists. There is no automatic copying of data between the two.

jpschewe commented 2 months ago

The upload of subjective scores currently uses NonNumericNominees.storeNomineesByJudgeForTeam to store non-numeric nominees selected by judges on the scoring rubrics. This writes to the table non_numeric_nominees.

The printing of the populated rubrics looks at SubjectiveScore.getNonNumericNominations(). This is populated when loading the SubjectiveScore from the database. using fromResultSet using NonNumericNominees.getNomineesByJudgeForTeam.

non-numeric-nominees.jsp stores data using the servlet api.NonNumericNominees. This calls -> storeNominees. This writes to the table non_numeric_nominees. The judge's name is allowed to be blank.

The finalist schedule, finalist.js uses api.NonNumericNominees to read and write the nominees used in the schedule.

Deliberations use api.AwardsScript.NonNumericAwardWinners to find the non-numeric award winners. This data is stored in the table subjective_extra_award.

jpschewe commented 2 months ago

Checked with Jeannie on what is needed. Editing of the rubric nominees outside of the subjective judging application should not be needed. A report of the rubric nominees is at Generate Reports -> Optional Award Nominations that displays the rubric nominees; that needs to stay.