jpsider / RestPS

Simple ReST Framework for Powershell
MIT License
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Question regading usage. #46

Closed JohnBons closed 4 years ago

JohnBons commented 4 years ago

Question I am working on a local powershell function and I want to have it available via rest. So I I have setup everything on my windows machine with the example of this repository.

Now I wanto have my function also added. I first thought I edit RestPSRoutes.json and add a line like. { "RequestType": "PUT", "RequestURL": "/newfunction", "RequestCommand": "c:/RestPS/endPoints/GET/new-testfunction.ps1" },

but this didn't work. So my basic question is. How do I add my personal function. I need some guidance here I know powershell but rest is new for me.

Thanks !

jpsider commented 4 years ago

First, Thanks for using the module! Second, you are correct about how to add a function. Are you sure you have the file in the correct location? In the Request type you identified it as a 'PUT' but in the path you have a 'GET'

JohnBons commented 4 years ago

Ow my bad. Well eventually I created this when reading about rest and the post get put . I changed it to POST. Since I want the function to do something on the local machine when somebody hits the url. It needs to sign a file.

{ "RequestType": "POST", "RequestURL": "/sign", "RequestCommand": "c:/RestPS/endPoints/POST/Invoke-Sign.ps1" },

but when I use the invoke 2020-05-08 16:01:20 INFO: Start-RestPSListener: Processing RequestType: POST URL: /sign Args:

2020-05-08 16:01:20 INFO: Start-RestPSListener: Finished request. StatusCode: 400 StatusDesc: Bad Request

I think it has to do with the invoke-sign.ps1 since it contains a function dat needed to be run. But I only declared it. so I have the Invoke-Sign.ps1 which contains

function Invoke-sign { Some rubbish code ;) } I need to change this to pass the argument to the file. I will check this. Thanks for the quick response.