jpsider / RestPS

Simple ReST Framework for Powershell
MIT License
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One small update #72

Closed matsmcp closed 1 year ago

matsmcp commented 1 year ago

I would like to suggest one small change in code.

As I read the code passing a RequestURL that contains more than one ? will cause the code to create an array of Requestargs instead of just a string variable. $RequestURL, $RequestArgs = $RawRequestURL.split("?")

By changing this to $RequestURL, $RequestArgs = $RawRequestURL.split("?",2) $RequestArgs should always be a string

It might be me missing something but I think this should be safer against "bad data"

jpsider commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for submitting this! Have you tested this?

Did you want to submit a PR?

matsmcp commented 1 year ago

I did an offline testcase for it

function newsplit($RawRequestURL)
  $RequestURL, $RequestArgs = $RawRequestURL.split("?",2)
  write-host "*********************"
  write-host "Newsplit:" $RequestURL
  write-host "Newsplit:" $RequestArgs
  write-host "Newsplit:" $RequestArgs.count

function oldsplit($RawRequestURL)
  $RequestURL, $RequestArgs = $RawRequestURL.split("?")
  write-host "Oldsplit:" $RequestURL
  write-host "oldsplit:" $RequestArgs
  write-host "oldsplit:" $RequestArgs.count
  write-host "*********************"

newsplit "Storepassword?username=test&Password=12?tested"
oldsplit "Storepassword?username=test&Password=12?tested"
newsplit "Storepassword?username=test&Password=12_tested"
oldsplit "Storepassword?username=test&Password=12_tested"
newsplit "Storepassword"
oldsplit "Storepassword"
newsplit ""
oldsplit ""

The output for the first testcase shows the difference. Without limiting the split we get two arguments instead of one and a loss of one character. (You should not do passwords like this but it was a good example in my twisted mind)

I do not have git tools on this box so I don't think I can make a formal PR.

jpsider commented 1 year ago

New version deployed. Let me know if you have any issues.