jpsider / RestPS

Simple ReST Framework for Powershell
MIT License
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Validate Client IP Code #83

Closed stigjoergensen closed 10 months ago

stigjoergensen commented 10 months ago


Perhaps im blind, but im not able to find information about how to validate the clients IP address. It is mentioned in the documentation, but i cannot find the code on how it works... ive followed the code so far:

Start-RestPSListener, calling Invoke-ValidateIP. this function is found in and /private, but looking at the script it does "import" /bin/get-RestIPAuth.ps1 and using an object created by this function called UserIP. So Far so good.

But the script get-RestIPAuth.ps1 is missing

Im not able to find it in github, and also not after i have performed Invoke-DeployRestPS

Just a side thing - the Invoke-DeployRestPS seems always want to use C:\RestPS folder and not a folder you specify - i have not digged into to this, if it was something i did.. so not too sure about it..

jpsider commented 10 months ago

This file is missing?

I checked the deploy function and it accepts a '$localdir' variable.

I don't think I have tried a different directory.

stigjoergensen commented 10 months ago

I have stared for hours this morning and couldnt see the forest for all the trees - thanks.

stigjoergensen commented 10 months ago

Case closed