Open nassarofficial opened 9 years ago
func annotations() -> [JPSThumbnailAnnotation] { var annotations: [JPSThumbnailAnnotation] = [] let pointData = NSData(contentsOfFile: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("1000", ofType: "geojson")!) let points = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(pointData!, options: nil, error: nil) as! NSDictionary for point in points["glimps"] as! NSArray { let a = JPSThumbnail() a.image = UIImage(named: "empire.jpg") a.title = "Empire State Building" a.subtitle = "NYC Landmark" let lat = (point as! NSDictionary)["latitude"] as! CLLocationDegrees let lon = (point as! NSDictionary)["longitude"] as! CLLocationDegrees a.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon) a.disclosureBlock = { println("selected Empire") } let a1: JPSThumbnailAnnotation = JPSThumbnailAnnotation() annotations.append(a1) } return annotations }
This is my code the annotations are appearing on top of each other, with no thumbnail for some reason, how can I fix this in swift?
This is my code the annotations are appearing on top of each other, with no thumbnail for some reason, how can I fix this in swift?