jptrrs / BurnItForFuel

Burn whatever you want on RimWorld.
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Issue with prioritizing fueled stations and Mod Options menu. #11

Open Svelandria opened 3 years ago

Svelandria commented 3 years ago

I've encountered an issue where prioritizing fueled stations causes severe lag to the point where the game freezes. Furthermore, there is also severe lag when browsing the Options>Mod Options, Burn It For Fuel tab. It's not as bad as when prioritizing a work station with fuel, but it's still a severe menu lag that is present even on the title screen (before loading or starting a game). I've attempted to narrow down the mods that may be causing issues, but it's been difficult. Jptrrs, you mentioned to look out for any pawns that feed off of the chosen fuel, but the issue is that I'm using plant scraps, something that literally every herbivore eats, including any humanoid colonist or guest/raider set to eat plant scraps. As such, it's not just modded pawns but vanilla ones that would cause problems as well in this regard.

With that said, I did notice that removing the mod RimBees did seem to reduce the lag significantly, but only if I start a new map. Removing them does nothing for an old save. Aside from that, I'm not sure what could be causing the issue. I still need to do more extensive testing since the results are actually inconsistent at times, so it could be an entirely different issue than the RimBees for all I know. Unfortunately this means I wasn't really able to isolate the issue all that well. Even so, I'll be placing the full log below as a Text Document File in the hopes that you'll be able to help me narrow it down and assist in my testing. If you'd rather I just paste the entire log instead of it being an attached file then let me know.

RimWorld Error FULL Log.txt

Edit: Also, you mentioned kind label contributing to the issues. The Dragonian race mod author seemed to have issues with that regarding the male and female models, so it's possible the issues have something to do with that. Furthermore, there's the Misc Robots and Misc Robots+ as well as the extra mechanoids added by the various mods I've installed.

Svelandria commented 3 years ago

I accidentally submitted this without putting anything. I fixed that and reopened it. Sorry for the confusion!

Svelandria commented 3 years ago

Update: It came to my attention that plant scraps is a part of the Fertile Fields mod (I originally thought plant scraps was base game content). With that said, I've been doing some more testing and it seems like the issue isn't with base game animals and pawns. It definitely has to do with some mod, but it's gonna take me a while to finish testing. Irl gets in the way a lot.

Update 2: Seems like Genetic Rim causes some, if not all, of the fps drop when inside the Mode Options menu (when choosing which stuff can be used as fuel before starting a game). I still need to do some more testing on the in game lag. If genetic rim only affects the menu and not the prioritizing of a fueled station then I'll keep genetic rim on and just remove whatever is causing the prioritizing lag.

jptrrs commented 3 years ago

Well, this log was enough for me to know you're still runnning too many mods at the same time :) I'll try to help. There's a method you can use that will enable you to isolate the conflicting mod in a matter of minutes. Do this:

  1. If didn't already, subscribe to Mod Manager or RimPy. Those will allow you to save mod lists and load many mods at a time. RimPy will require you to download and install an external aplication, but it's worth it, its the best for this.
  2. Test one problem at a time. Start with the easiest: opening the options panel. Lets deal with that first, then we check the remaining issues.
  3. Make a list with only Harmony, Core, Hugslib and BurnItForFuel. Load only those four and make sure the problem doesn't happen. Then try adding mods that others depend on, such as jecstools, and check again. Save this as your basics list.
  4. Load half the other mods. Say you have 100 mods, load #1 through #50. Test the options panel. Then reduce back to the basics and load only the basics plus mods 51 - 100. Test again. Now you know which half causes the problem. focus on that.
  5. Say your problem was in the first half: now load 1-25 and test. Then 25-50. Again, focus on the half that manifests the problem and repeat. Do this until you nail the conflicting mod. It shouldn't take long.
  6. When you loaded only the basics and the mod that causes the problem, make sure it is happening (in this case, just open the options panel) and hit ctrl+F12. This will generate the HugsLib log, which is much better than copying the entire game log. You can either upload and send me the link or choose "copy to clipboard" and paste it on notepad and attach it here, like you did before.
Svelandria commented 3 years ago

I was actually doing something like this but without the Mod Manager or RimPy. What I was doing was basically loading all of the mod tools (hugslib, jectools, etc) and when I knew that they weren't causing lag I just started enabling the mods from top to bottom using the basic mod list (they were organized from when they were first subscribed to, I think). What I was doing differently was going by 5-10 mods instead of 50 due to how tedious it is when using the basic list. I actually managed to narrow it down slight using this method, but it's clearly very time consuming and I wouldn't doubt that it's actually multiple mods and not just one. As such, I'll definitely use the mod manager later so as to make it easier and I'll also go 50 mods instead (I'm going to be busy the next few days, so may or may not get to it before the end of the week). Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

Svelandria commented 3 years ago

Testing is taking me a very long time due to varying factors, but I think I just have too many mods period. I've been running without Burn It For Fuel (testing was taking too long and I wanted to play properly, so I went without Burn It between testing sessions) and I'm still encountering the frame rate drop when in certain menus, just at 11 fps instead of 1 fps with fuel loaded. Either a specific mod that adds items is causing the issue, or all mods cause the frames to drop a slight amount and it's just the staggering number of mods combined that cause it to reach 10 or less fps. It's likely going to take me longer to narrow down which one it is, but thought you'd like to know what I've come to assume based on my current testing. Considering that I have a few mods that are causing some red errors (Combat Extended updated recently and ended up breaking some compatibilities it originally had) then maybe the frames will become stable in menus once all errors are dealt with. Hard to say for certain, though. If you happen to know anything within this regard then please point me in the right direction.