jpudysz / react-native-unistyles

Level up your React Native StyleSheet
MIT License
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theme from useStyes() without stylesheet assumes type as never #126

Closed z1haze closed 5 months ago

z1haze commented 5 months ago


I am not sure if this is a setup issue on my part or not, however I am noticing that intellisense in my IDE is typing the theme object that comes from the useStyles return object as never.

Apologies if this is not legitimate, I'm just trying to help point out a possible bug

Steps to reproduce

  1. call useStyles without explicitly providing a stylesheet and destructure theme

Snack or a link to a repository (optional)

No response

Unistyles version


React Native version



Android, iOS




Paper (old)

z1haze commented 5 months ago


RodzAlves commented 5 months ago

Did you do the correct setup?

Take a look at session 3.3 Configure TypeScript

efoken commented 5 months ago

Cannot reproduce, probably something is wrong with your setup.

z1haze commented 5 months ago

Sorry it took so long to reply back, I believe I have everything setup correctly, which is why I'm asking. Attaching my setup file from 3.3 for your inspection.

import { UnistylesRegistry } from 'react-native-unistyles';
import { darkTheme, lightTheme } from '@/styles/themes';

type AppThemes = {
  light: typeof lightTheme,
  dark: typeof darkTheme

declare module 'react-native-unistyles' {
  export interface UnistylesThemes extends AppThemes {}

    light: lightTheme,
    dark: darkTheme
    adaptiveThemes: true


jpudysz commented 5 months ago

Did you import this file anywhere in your app?

import './unistyles'

or whatever your filename is?

z1haze commented 5 months ago

yes, in App.tsx. I'm able to use theme from the destructured object, and it even knows all of the fields from ts.. its just the intellisense things it is of type never.

jpudysz commented 5 months ago

Two more questions:

Can you try to import your themes without absolute aliased path?

What IDE are you using ?

z1haze commented 5 months ago

I'm using webstorm. I will attempt this tomorrow, I've left my work machine for the night!

jpudysz commented 5 months ago

No worries, we will find the root cause ☺️

z1haze commented 5 months ago

Hey all, I made the update as requested to make the theme imports be relative paths, and there was no change here. Intellisense still claims to be never however I don't want to mistake you in claming that the typescript isn't working properly, because it does work. It is just very strange that is says never in intellisense.


jpudysz commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to get minimal repo with repro? I need to see the whole picture.

z1haze commented 5 months ago

I can see about tomorrow starting a brand new expo project and seeing if it occurs. But fwiw, I am using expo 49 in webstorm and ts version 5.2.2 i think. I'm not on that machine right now but I do believe that is the version

jpudysz commented 5 months ago

I just want to confirm the issue and detect if this is machine / setup / unistyles core.


jpudysz commented 5 months ago

Hey, any update? Is this somehow related to: ?

jpudysz commented 5 months ago

Hey @z1haze, I haven't heard from you for the past 7 days. Feel free to reopen this issue when you provide more information. Thanks!

z1haze commented 5 months ago

Apologies, I've been swamped. Once I get a moment to breathe ill create a separate project and try to replicate!

jpudysz commented 5 months ago

Sorry to hear that. Take your time

mzaien commented 1 month ago

I think I know what is the issue because I had it this week, if the unistyles type override was using ts type instead of interface this issue happens I noticed that because my eslint converts everything into a type

// override library types
declare module 'react-native-unistyles' {
    // for some reason typing does not work unless we used an interface
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
    export interface UnistylesThemes extends AppThemes {}
jpudysz commented 1 month ago

Thanks for posting it. Interface is required by TypeScript itself. Maybe that was the issue! 🙏

z1haze commented 1 month ago

We were already using an interface like described in the docs. The issue persists

jpudysz commented 1 month ago

It shouldn't. Many ppl are using unistyles without the issue.

It must be something local, hard to guess. I need a minimal repo to help

efoken commented 1 month ago

Must be locally, I don’t have any problems.

z1haze commented 1 month ago

We've just learned to deal with it. Also its quite frustrating to get replies like "other people don't have issues". I don't see how that's contributing to the discussion. I didn't report this issue because I thought it would be fun to make up a problem :(. We run expo v51, (before it was 50, and before that it was 49), with react navigation, and a handful of other libraries.

There is some weird bug somewhere that webstorm's intellisense picks up on and infers the object as type never, while at the same time clearly knowing what the value of the object is. It is very strange, as you can see here in the screenshot. image

Finally, I wouldn't had reported this issue had I run into this problem, even once before, ever. This is literally the first and only time I have ever see this occur in webstorm when using typescript. Virtually every other variable I've ever defined, many many thousands, across dozens and dozens of libraries have no had this happen. So to be told its a me issue is beyond frustrating. I hope it is a me issue, but please allude to what it is. I've sent along the configuration and setup we are using months ago, and I'd followed the installation documentation to a T. This is a great library, and this issue isn't going to stop us from using it, but it is definitely a nuisance.

jpudysz commented 1 month ago

I just meant that it's your unique issue, as you're only reporting it. I'm also using unistyles in multiple projects and I didn't get such weird types across any IDEs.

You need to also understand that's frustrating to me as there is no reproduction and there is now way to help. This is typescript feature to extend someone's type it's not a blacboxed magic from unistyles.

DaltonPelkey commented 1 month ago

@jpudysz Here is a repro:

Not sure if it is a Typescript issue or just general behavior, but once the theme object reaches a certain size the type defaults to never. See in the repo where Unistyles is configured the recommended way. In App.tsx the type of theme reads correctly. However, if you uncomment a single value in lightTheme it changes to never. If seemingly no one else is experiencing this then it leads me to believe that it is a Typescript issue.

If you swap out the declaration with the one commented out, it will then default to the explicit type of UnistylesTheme rather than never. This is my recommended fix for this specific issue.

Out of curiosity what IDEs have you been testing on, and how large have the theme objects been?

With 12 theme properties: image

With 13: image

With 13 -and- my declaration code: image

jpudysz commented 1 month ago

I'm using themes with dozens of lines. I can get the same experience across WebStorm, VSC and Zed.

Btw, do you use bundled typescript from node_modules? Maybe you have some older version globally installed.

For sure there is no limit for number of props!

DaltonPelkey commented 1 month ago

Btw, do you use bundled typescript from node_modules? Maybe you have some older version globally installed.

Just updated to the latest 5.4.5 and still the same issue. Let me know what you think of the repro

Edit: Just to clarify. I don't think there is a limit on the number of properties. This is either a Typescript issue, a Typescript issue with Unistyles, or a Typescript issue with Webstorm.

DaltonPelkey commented 1 month ago

Just to point out as well, most of the Unistyle methods also return theme of type never (rather than an explicit type):




z1haze commented 1 month ago

Thanks @DaltonPelkey for making a repro. so @jpudysz are you saying that you cannot observe this behavior with his repo? I just cloned it into a new project and am able to observe exactly what he's shown.

Also I believe that if this were an issue exclusive to typescript, or exclusive to typescript and webstorm, we would be observing this across all sorts of libraries and scenarios. The fact remains though that this only occurs with unistyles. Hopefully the repro repo provided will help them get to the bottom if it and fix it.

jpudysz commented 1 month ago

I can't repro. What I've done:

  1. Download repo
  2. yarn install
  3. Open in VSC


  1. Check TS popup


  1. Uncomment all props from theme type


  1. Add new props:


  1. Repeat in WS (works the same)


DaltonPelkey commented 1 month ago

I'm confused. You just sent a screenshot of the repro working on Webstorm. The intellisense on the object is not the issue. We are only referring to the never preview type

jpudysz commented 1 month ago

So, the issue is that WS previews the theme type as 'never'?

It seems that the issue comes from Webstorm TypeScript engine, as it's not visible in any other editor. To fix it, you need to enable Use types from server setting which will use TypeScript Language Service.

More here: scroll to section 5 (3rd list item)

By default, the checkbox is cleared so type evaluation, resolution, code inspections and refactorings are based on the type information from the WebStorm internal TypeScript engine.

This default behavior may result in performance issues and in bugs in type resolution because the type evaluation algorithm that the TypeScript Language Service uses differs from the algorithm of the TypeScript Compiler. Selecting the checkbox may help avoid these problems.

z1haze commented 1 month ago

So, the issue is that WS previews the theme type as 'never'?

can't be serious...

efstathiosntonas commented 1 month ago

/rant IntelliJ and Webstorm is getting worse and worse in every single update. The amount of bugs these products have is beyond reality (been using them for 5 years daily), a visit to Youtrack will convince you.

Anyway, can you guys try this out and check if typings are still wrong?