jpuri / react-draft-wysiwyg

A Wysiwyg editor build on top of ReactJS and DraftJS.
MIT License
6.38k stars 1.16k forks source link

Add file for tailwind users to use in place of importing styles from node_modules #1412

Open udohjeremiah opened 7 months ago

udohjeremiah commented 7 months ago

While this is not an issue for a bug, it is one for a feature request. We all know a big part of the react.js community uses TailwindCSS for styling, and even more have to interact with it in one way or the other (even if they don't use it personally on their projects).

The current docs suggests importing import '../node_modules/react-draft-wysiwyg/dist/react-draft-wysiwyg.css'; into your code to make the Editor object have some defualt styling and then encourages users to edit that file, or better still use the api provided for styling:

While the above works, the suggestions aren't great because one has to go through a lot of customisations just to make simple things work and potentially break out things.

So my point is somewhere in the docs should give a link to the equivalent tailwindcss (i.e. equivalent to import '../node_modules/react-draft-wysiwyg/dist/react-draft-wysiwyg.css';) file below for users to immediately download and start customising the editor as they want, instead of importing styles from node_modules, something most users haven't done in their development at all, hence it will look odd to most.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

.rdw-option-wrapper {
  @apply border border-solid border-gray-300 p-[5px] min-w-[25px] h-[20px] rounded-sm mx-4 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer bg-white capitalize;

.rdw-option-wrapper:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-option-wrapper:active {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-option-active {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-option-disabled {
  @apply opacity-30 cursor-default;

.rdw-dropdown-wrapper {
  @apply h-[30px] bg-white cursor-pointer border border-solid border-gray-300 rounded-sm mx-[3px] capitalize;

.rdw-dropdown-wrapper:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-dropdown-wrapper:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD] bg-white;

.rdw-dropdown-wrapper:active {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-dropdown-carettoopen {
  @apply h-0 w-0 absolute top-[35%] right-[10%] border-t-[6px] border-solid border-t-[black] border-l-[5px] border-l-transparent border-r-[5px] border-r-transparent;

.rdw-dropdown-carettoclose {
  @apply h-0 w-0 absolute top-[35%] right-[10%] border-t-[6px] border-solid border-b-[black] border-l-[5px] border-l-transparent border-r-[5px] border-r-transparent;

.rdw-dropdown-selectedtext {
  @apply flex relative h-full items-center px-5;

.rdw-dropdown-optionwrapper {
  @apply z-[100] relative border border-solid border-gray-300 w-[98%] bg-white rounded-sm m-0 p-0 max-h-[250px] overflow-y-scroll;

.rdw-dropdown-optionwrapper:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD] bg-white;

.rdw-dropdownoption-default {
  @apply min-h-[25px] flex items-center px-5;

.rdw-dropdownoption-highlighted {
  @apply bg-gray-200;

.rdw-dropdownoption-active {
  @apply bg-gray-300;

.rdw-dropdownoption-disabled {
  @apply opacity-30 cursor-default;

.rdw-inline-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-inline-dropdown {
  @apply w-[50px];

.rdw-inline-dropdownoption {
  @apply h-10 flex justify-center;

.rdw-block-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-block-dropdown {
  @apply w-[110px];

.rdw-fontsize-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-fontsize-dropdown {
  @apply min-w-[40px];

.rdw-fontsize-option {
  @apply flex justify-center;

.rdw-fontfamily-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-fontfamily-dropdown {
  @apply w-[115px];

.rdw-fontfamily-placeholder {
  @apply whitespace-nowrap max-w-[90px] overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis;

.rdw-fontfamily-optionwrapper {
  @apply w-[140px];

.rdw-list-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-list-dropdown {
  @apply w-[50px] z-[90px];

.rdw-list-dropdownOption {
  @apply h-[40px] flex justify-center;

.rdw-text-align-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-text-align-dropdown {
  @apply w-[50px] z-[90];

.rdw-text-align-dropdownOption {
  @apply h-[40px] flex justify-center;

.rdw-right-aligned-block {
  @apply text-right;

.rdw-left-aligned-block {
  @apply text-left !important;

.rdw-center-aligned-block {
  @apply text-center !important;

.rdw-justify-aligned-block {
  @apply text-justify !important;

.rdw-right-aligned-block > div {
  @apply inline-block;

.rdw-left-aligned-block > div {
  @apply inline-block;

.rdw-center-aligned-block > div {
  @apply inline-block;

.rdw-justify-aligned-block > div {
  @apply inline-block;

.rdw-colorpicker-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] relative flex-wrap;

.rdw-colorpicker-modal {
  @apply absolute top-[35px] left-[5px] flex flex-col w-[175px] h-[175px] border border-solid border-[#f1f1f1] p-[15px] rounded-sm z-[100] bg-white shadow-[3px_3px_5px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-colorpicker-modal-header {
  @apply flex pb-[5px];

.rdw-colorpicker-modal-style-label {
  @apply text-[15px] w-1/2 text-center cursor-pointer pt-[0] px-[10px] pb-[5px];

.rdw-colorpicker-modal-style-label-active {
  @apply border-b-2 border-[#0a66b7];

.rdw-colorpicker-modal-options {
  @apply my-[5px] mx-auto flex w-full h-full flex-wrap overflow-scroll;

.rdw-colorpicker-cube {
  @apply w-[22px] h-[22px] border border-[#f1f1f1];

.rdw-colorpicker-option {
  @apply m-[3px] p-0 min-h-[20px] border-none w-[22px] h-[22px] min-w-[22px] shadow-[1px_2px_1px_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-colorpicker-option:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_2px_1px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-colorpicker-option:active {
  @apply shadow-[-1px_-2px_1px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-colorpicker-option-active {
  @apply shadow-[0_0_2px_2px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-link-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] relative flex-wrap;

.rdw-link-dropdown {
  @apply w-[50px];

.rdw-link-dropdownOption {
  @apply h-[40px] flex justify-center;

.rdw-link-dropdownPlaceholder {
  @apply ml-[8px];

.rdw-link-modal {
  @apply absolute top-[35px] left-[5px] flex flex-col w-[235px] h-[205px] border border-solid border-[#F1F1F1] p-[15px] rounded-sm z-[100] bg-white shadow-[3px_3px_5px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-link-modal-label {
  @apply text-[15px];

.rdw-link-modal-input {
  @apply mt-[5px] rounded-sm border border-[#F1F1F1] h-[25px] mb-[15px] px-[5px];

.rdw-link-modal-input:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-link-modal-buttonsection {
  @apply mx-auto;

.rdw-link-modal-target-option {
  @apply mb-[20px];

.rdw-link-modal-target-option > span {
  @apply ml-[5px];

.rdw-link-modal-btn {
  @apply ml-[10px] w-[75px] h-[30px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm cursor-pointer bg-white capitalize;

.rdw-link-modal-btn:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-link-modal-btn:active {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-link-modal-btn:focus {
  @apply outline-none !important;

.rdw-link-modal-btn:disabled {
  @apply bg-[#ECE9E9];

.rdw-link-dropdownoption {
  @apply h-[40px] flex justify-center;

.rdw-history-dropdown {
  @apply w-[50px];

.rdw-embedded-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] relative flex-wrap;

.rdw-embedded-modal {
  @apply absolute top-[35px] left-[5px] flex flex-col w-[235px] h-[180px] border border-solid border-[#F1F1F1] p-[15px] rounded-sm z-[100] bg-white justify-between shadow-[3px_3px_5px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-embedded-modal-header {
  @apply text-[15px] flex;

.rdw-embedded-modal-header-option {
  @apply w-1/2 cursor-pointer flex justify-center items-center flex-col;

.rdw-embedded-modal-header-label {
  @apply w-[95px] border border-[#F1F1F1] mt-[5px] bg-[#6EB8D4] border-b-2 border-b-[#0A66B7];

.rdw-embedded-modal-link-section {
  @apply flex flex-col;

.rdw-embedded-modal-link-input {
  @apply w-[88%] h-[35px] my-10 border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm text-[15px] px-[5px];

.rdw-embedded-modal-link-input-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center;

.rdw-embedded-modal-link-input:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-embedded-modal-btn-section {
  @apply flex justify-center;

.rdw-embedded-modal-btn {
  @apply mx-[3px] w-[75px] h-[30px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm cursor-pointer bg-white capitalize;

.rdw-embedded-modal-btn:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-embedded-modal-btn:active {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-embedded-modal-btn:focus {
  @apply outline-none !important;

.rdw-embedded-modal-btn:disabled {
  @apply bg-[#ECE9E9];

.rdw-embedded-modal-size {
  @apply flex items-center my-2 justify-between;

.rdw-embedded-modal-size-input {
  @apply w-[80%] h-[20px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm text-[12px];

.rdw-embedded-modal-size-input:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-emoji-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] relative flex-wrap;

.rdw-emoji-modal {
  @apply overflow-auto absolute top-[35px] left-[5px] flex flex-wrap w-[235px] h-[180px] border border-[#F1F1F1] p-[15px] rounded-sm z-[100] bg-white shadow-[3px_3px_5px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-emoji-icon {
  @apply m-[2.5px] h-[24px] w-[24px] cursor-pointer text-[22px] flex justify-center items-center;

.rdw-spinner {
  @apply flex items-center justify-center h-full w-full;

.rdw-spinner > div {
  @apply w-[12px] h-[12px] bg-[#333] rounded-[100%] inline-block animate-[sk-bouncedelay_1.4s_infinite-ease-in-out_both];

.rdw-spinner .rdw-bounce1 {
  @apply [animation-delay:-0.32s];

.rdw-spinner .rdw-bounce2 {
  @apply [animation-delay:-0.16s];

@keyframes sk-bouncedelay {
  100% {
    transform: scale(0);
  40% {
    transform: scale(1);

@-webkit-keyframes sk-bouncedelay {
  100% {
    -webkit-transform: scale(0);
    transform: scale(0);
  40% {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1);
    transform: scale(1);

@keyframes sk-bouncedelay {
  100% {
    -webkit-transform: scale(0);
    transform: scale(0);
  40% {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1);
    transform: scale(1);

.rdw-image-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] relative flex-wrap;

.rdw-image-modal {
  @apply absolute top-[35px] left-[5px] flex flex-col w-[235px] border border-[#F1F1F1] p-[15px] rounded-sm z-[100] bg-white shadow-[3px_3px_5px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-image-modal-header {
  @apply text-[15px] my-[10px] flex;

.rdw-image-modal-header-option {
  @apply w-1/2 cursor-pointer flex justify-center items-center flex-col;

.rdw-image-modal-header-label {
  @apply w-[80px] bg-[#F1F1F1] border border-[#F1F1F1] mt-[5px];

.rdw-image-modal-header-label-highlighted {
  @apply bg-[#6EB8D4] border-b-2 border-[#0A66B7];

.rdw-image-modal-upload-option {
  @apply w-full text-[gray] cursor-pointer flex border-none text-[15px] items-center justify-center bg-[#F1F1F1] outline-2 outline-dashed outline-[gray] my-[10px] py-[9px];

.rdw-image-modal-upload-option-highlighted {
  @apply outline-2 outline-dashed outline-[#0A66B7];

.rdw-image-modal-upload-option-label {
  @apply cursor-pointer h-full w-full flex justify-center items-center p-[15px];

.rdw-image-modal-upload-option-label span {
  @apply px-[20px];

.rdw-image-modal-upload-option-image-preview {
  @apply max-w-full max-h-[200px];

.rdw-image-modal-upload-option-input {
  @apply w-[0.1px] h-[0.1px] opacity-0 overflow-hidden absolute z-[-1];

.rdw-image-modal-url-section {
  @apply flex items-center;

.rdw-image-modal-url-input {
  @apply w-[90%] h-[35px] mt-[15px] mx-0 mb-[12px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm text-[15px] px-[5px];

.rdw-image-modal-btn-section {
  @apply mt-[10px] mx-auto;

.rdw-image-modal-url-input:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-image-modal-btn {
  @apply mx-[5px] w-[75px] h-[30px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm cursor-pointer bg-white capitalize;

.rdw-image-modal-btn:hover {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD];

.rdw-image-modal-btn:active {
  @apply shadow-[1px_1px_0px_#BFBDBD_inset];

.rdw-image-modal-btn:focus {
  @apply outline-none !important;

.rdw-image-modal-btn:disabled {
  @apply bg-[#ECE9E9];

.rdw-image-modal-spinner {
  @apply absolute top-[-3px] left-0 w-full h-full opacity-[0.5];

.rdw-image-modal-alt-input {
  @apply w-[70%] h-[20px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm text-xs ml-[5px];

.rdw-image-modal-alt-input:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-image-modal-alt-lbl {
  @apply text-xs;

.rdw-image-modal-size {
  @apply flex items-center my-[8px] justify-between;

.rdw-image-modal-size-input {
  @apply w-[40%] h-[20px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm text-xs;

.rdw-image-modal-size-input:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-image-mandatory-sign {
  @apply text-red-500 mx-[3px];

.rdw-remove-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] relative flex-wrap;

.rdw-history-wrapper {
  @apply flex items-center mb-[6px] flex-wrap;

.rdw-history-dropdownoption {
  @apply h-10 flex justify-center;

.rdw-history-dropdown {
  @apply w-[50px];

.rdw-link-decorator-wrapper {
  @apply relative;

.rdw-link-decorator-icon {
  @apply absolute left-[40%] top-0 cursor-pointer bg-white;

.rdw-mention-link {
  @apply decoration-[none] text-[#1236FF] bg-[#F0FBFF] py-[1px] px-[2px] rounded-sm;

.rdw-suggestion-wrapper {
  @apply relative;

.rdw-suggestion-dropdown {
  @apply absolute flex flex-col border border-[#F1F1F1] min-w-[100px] max-h-[150px] overflow-auto bg-white z-[100];

.rdw-suggestion-option {
  @apply py-[7px] px-[5px] border-b border-b-[#F1F1F1];

.rdw-suggestion-option-active {
  @apply bg-[#F1F1F1];

.rdw-hashtag-link {
  @apply decoration-[none] text-[#1236FF] bg-[#F0FBFF] py-[1px] px-[2px] rounded-sm;

.rdw-image-alignment-options-popup {
  @apply absolute bg-white flex py-[5px] px-[2px] border border-[#F1F1F1] rounded-sm cursor-pointer w-[105px] z-[100];

.rdw-alignment-option-left {
  @apply justify-start;

.rdw-image-alignment-option {
  @apply h-[15px] w-[15px] min-w-[15px];

.rdw-image-alignment {
  @apply relative;

.rdw-image-imagewrapper {
  @apply relative;

.rdw-image-center {
  @apply flex justify-center;

.rdw-image-left {
  @apply flex;

.rdw-image-right {
  @apply flex justify-end;

.rdw-image-alignment-options-popup-right {
  @apply right-0;

.rdw-editor-main {
  @apply h-full overflow-auto box-border;

.rdw-editor-toolbar {
  @apply pt-[6px] px-[5px] rounded-sm border border-[#F1F1F1] flex justify-start bg-white flex-wrap text-[15px] mb-[5px] select-none;

.public-DraftStyleDefault-block {
  @apply my-[1em];

.rdw-editor-wrapper:focus {
  @apply outline-none;

.rdw-editor-wrapper {
  @apply box-content;

.rdw-editor-main blockquote {
  @apply pl-[5px] border-l-[5px] border-l-[#F1F1F1];

.rdw-editor-main pre {
  @apply bg-[#F1F1F1] rounded-[3px] py-[1px] px-[10px];