Other buttons, like embed, emoji and image show the following attributes when expanded:
<div class="rdw-embedded-wrapper" aria-haspopup="true" aria-label="rdw-embedded-control" aria-expanded="true"> but the link button, shows none when using inDropdown false. This seems to be because in src/controls/Link/Component/index.js (line 163) it is passing aria-expanded and aria-haspopup to the Option component but the Option component is not handling them in any way.
Currently, there is no way of knowing if the dropdown is open for styling.
Other buttons, like embed, emoji and image show the following attributes when expanded:
<div class="rdw-embedded-wrapper" aria-haspopup="true" aria-label="rdw-embedded-control" aria-expanded="true">
but the link button, shows none when using inDropdown false. This seems to be because in src/controls/Link/Component/index.js (line 163) it is passing aria-expanded and aria-haspopup to the Option component but the Option component is not handling them in any way.Currently, there is no way of knowing if the dropdown is open for styling.