jpuritz / dDocent

a bash pipeline for RAD sequencing
MIT License
53 stars 41 forks source link

PEAR is not accessible or licensed under a software iicense. Please consider substituting PANDAseq. #49

Closed relshire closed 4 years ago

relshire commented 4 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

As part of my work with the Genomics for Aotearoa New Zealand society, I am building docker containers for bioinformatics tools. It would be great to build a fully functional one for dDocent. Unfortunately, the PEAR software has two significant issues prohibiting inclusion. The first is that it is just not available in a way one can script up an install. The second is that it does not have a suitable license for software distribution.

On the other hand, PANDAseq is available from their github repo under free software licensing terms. It implements many algorithms, including the one used by PEAR. If you wouldn't mind substituting PANDAseq for PEAR, I would then be able to build a docker container of dDocent with full functionality.

Thank you for considering my request.


jpuritz commented 4 years ago

Hi Rob,

Thanks for reaching out. I'm reluctant to consider this change because it won't change any functionality for dDocent, it will instantly be incompatible with previous installs/environments, and will require time for implementation and testing. It will also require time for getting users of previous versions up to speed.

As far as I know, PEAR is distributed under the creative commons license that only prohibits commercial use. See ( and ( It can be installed via bioconda which is my preferred environmental management system.

That being said. PANDAseq seems like a fine package, so I'm willing to consider it if you want to submit a pull request. Even better if you can provide some testing.