jpuritz / dDocent

a bash pipeline for RAD sequencing
MIT License
53 stars 41 forks source link

`getAssemblyInfo` is missing a closing `}` #54

Closed cbird808 closed 4 years ago

cbird808 commented 4 years ago
#Have user estimate/enter assembly parameters if unentered

if [ -z "$CUTOFF" ]; then

    for i in {2..20};
    echo $i >> pfile
    cat pfile | parallel -j $NUMProc --no-notice "echo -n {}xxx && mawk -v x={} '\$1 >= x' uniq.seqs | wc -l" | mawk  '{gsub("xxx","\t",$0); print;}'| $sort -g >
    rm pfile

    #Plot graph of above data
    gnuplot << \EOF 
    set terminal dumb size 120, 30
    set autoscale
    set xrange [2:20] 
    unset label
    set title "Number of Unique Sequences with More than X Coverage (Counted within individuals)"
    set xlabel "Coverage"
    set ylabel "Number of Unique Sequences"
    set lmargin 10
    plot '' with lines notitle
    pause -1

    echo -en "\007"
    echo -en "\007"
    echo -en "\007"
    echo -e "Please choose data cutoff.  In essence, you are picking a minimum (within individual) coverage level for a read (allele) to be used in the reference assembly"

    read CUTOFF
jpuritz commented 4 years ago

I believe it is here: Line 871

The indentations are off which is why this looks like it's missing. I fixed the indentations to make the code more readable.