jpuritz / dDocent

a bash pipeline for RAD sequencing
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Program stuck in using BWA mapping reads #65

Closed Liut035 closed 3 years ago

Liut035 commented 4 years ago


I am running dDocent for 164 individuals with pair-end sequencing and reference genome on dDocent 2.7.8. I used a configuration file to run in HPC. The trimming step went really well, while now I'm stuck in mapping reads with bwa. It had been stuck in one of my individuals for more than ten hours, and can not generate -RG.bam and -RG.bam.bai, and nothing in its *.bam.log file. My raw data is about 60 GB, and I set the maximum memory to 200G, while now there are a total of 151GB files, is this the reason?

Here is the config.file I used.

_Number of Processors 20 Maximum Memory 200 Trimming yes Assembly? no Type_of_Assembly PE Clustering_Similarity% 0.85 Minimum within individual coverage level to include a read for assembly (K1) 6 Minimum number of individuals a read must be present in to include for assembly (K2) 6 Mapping_Reads? yes Mapping_Match_Value 1 Mapping_MisMatch_Value 4 Mapping_GapOpen_Penalty 6 CallingSNPs? yes

I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me some suggestions.

Thanks, Tong

jpuritz commented 4 years ago

For debugging or troubleshooting, please include the following information:

The last output in dDocent.runs file The entire dDocent_main.LOG The output of ls -l in your working directory

jpuritz commented 4 years ago

You can also check the bwa log file for that sample