jpw1991 / chebs-necromancy

Cheb's Necromancy adds Necromancy to Valheim via craftable wands and structures. Minions will follow you, guard your base, and perform menial tasks.
The Unlicense
10 stars 4 forks source link

Skeleton wand eats bone fragments if theres not enough to summon a minion. #178

Closed Kigid closed 1 year ago

Kigid commented 1 year ago

When I try to summon a minion but dont have enough bone fragments, the bone fragments are consumed without a minion being summoned.

to reproduce Try to summon minion. 1: minion is not summoned. 2: bone fragments are consumed 3:cry

Expected behavior

Skeleton minion is not summoned, but bone fragments are not consumed.

Kigid commented 1 year ago

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - valheim (3/29/2023 8:14:11 AM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2020.3.45.6687953 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [ValheimMinus] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [ConfigWatcher] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher] [Info : BepInEx] 4 patcher plugins loaded [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 93 plugins to load [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [MassFarming 1.5] because a newer version exists (MassFarming 1.5) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [PlantEverything 1.13.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Craft From Containers 3.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Instant Monster Drop 0.4.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AMPED - Auto Map Pins Enhanced 1.3.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AzuAntiArthriticCrafting 1.0.6] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AzuAreaRepair 1.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BuildCameraCHE 1.0.0] [Message:BuildCameraCHE] Thank you to everyone who supported this mod on Github. I (Azumatt) will maintain this mod for as long as I can. Shoutout to the original devs and the git contributors. I hope you enjoy this mod! [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FastLink 1.3.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [HaulersHelper 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MagicEitrBase 1.1.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Jewelcrafting 1.4.8] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:33: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:33: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:03:34: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : BepInEx] Loading [MinimalUI 2.1.9] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [NoBuildDust 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RemoveAttackFreezeFrame 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RunningStaminaBase 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ThirdEye 2.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WardIsLove 3.1.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FarmGrid 0.2.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fermenting 1.0.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FoodEitrRegen 1.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MagicPlugin 1.4.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SNEAKer 1.0.6] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [VikingsDoSwim 1.1.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CameraMod] [Info : Unity Log] 1ST FOV:85 [Info : Unity Log] 3RD FOV:65 [Info : Unity Log] bowzoomON:False [Info : Unity Log] bowzoomFOV:65 [Info : Unity Log] bowzoomSpeed:2 [Info : Unity Log] smoothCam: False [Info : Unity Log] FPVmouseSensitivityON: False [Info : Unity Log] FPVmouseSensitivity: 1 [Info : Unity Log] LvlUpMove: False [Info : Unity Log] slightlyTaller: False [Info : Unity Log] DamageText_delay: 1 [Info : Unity Log] DamageText_size: 28 [Info : Unity Log] nearClipMin: 0.1 [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SurtlingBoat 2.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 18.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Jotunn 2.11.2] [Info : Jotunn] Initializing LocalizationManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing CommandManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing InputManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing SkillManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing PrefabManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing ItemManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing PieceManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing CreatureManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing ZoneManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing MockManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing KitbashManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing GUIManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing KeyHintManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing NetworkManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing SynchronizationManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing RenderManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing MinimapManager [Info : Jotunn] Initializing UndoManager [Info : Jotunn] Jötunn v2.11.2 loaded successfully [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ChebsNecromancy 2.5.11] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BoneAppetit 3.2.4] [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Prepping Kitchen... [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Big thanks to MeatwareMonster! [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Valharvest 3.0.2] [Info :Valharvest.Main] Preparing the plants... [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MultiUserChest 0.4.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [PotionsPlus 4.1.9] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Climbing 1.0.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Terraheim 2.3.6] [Info :Terraheim.Log] Loaded localization for English [Info :Terraheim.Log] Status Effects Injected [Info :Terraheim.Log] Chaos armor not found! If you have not installed Chaos Armor, you can safely ignore this [Info :Terraheim.Log] Judes Equipment not found! If you have not installed Judes_Equipment, you can safely ignore this. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Barbarian armor not found! If you have not installed Barbarian Armor, you can safely ignore this [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the fyrd set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the jotunn set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the eorl set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the thegn set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the root set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the wyrdwulf set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the fenris set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the huscarl set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the gesith set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Modifying the alne set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Patching complete [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TerraheimItems 2.3.0] [Info :TerraheimItems] Loaded localization for English [Message:TerraheimItems] New Bundle Loaded [Info :TerraheimItems] Patching complete [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Detalhes.Rowing 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Valheim Performance Optimizations 0.7.6] [Error : Unity Log] AmbiguousMatchException: Ambiguous match found. Stack trace: System.RuntimeType.GetMethodImpl (System.String name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Reflection.CallingConventions callConv, System.Type[] types, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] modifiers) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0) System.Type.GetMethod (System.String name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr) (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0) HarmonyLib.AccessTools.DeclaredMethod (System.Type type, System.String name, System.Type[] parameters, System.Type[] generics) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) HarmonyLib.PatchTools.GetOriginalMethod (HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod attr) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) Rethrow as HarmonyException: Ambiguous match for HarmonyMethod[(class=SE_Rested, methodname=CalculateComfortLevel, type=Normal, args=undefined)] HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) HarmonyLib.Harmony.b__11_0 (System.Type type) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] sequence, System.Action1[T] action) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, System.String harmonyInstanceId) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0) ValheimPerformanceOptimizations.ValheimPerformanceOptimizations.Awake () (at <25e748930c1b4c01acbe72ede2c372ad>:0) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader:Start() UnityEngine.UI.Image:OnCanvasHierarchyChanged()

[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Digitalroot TripleBronzeJVL 1.1.13] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Instantly Destroy Boats and Carts 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Quick Stack - Store - Sort - Trash - Restock 1.3.10] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Smarter Corpse Run and Tombstone 1.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Sorted Cooking, Crafting and Skills Menu 1.2.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Hugos Armory 8.3.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [More Player Cloth Colliders 3.1.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Shapekeys and More 2.2.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RuneMagic 1.1.19] [Info : Unity Log] Calculated centers for 29 icebergs [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Better Archery 1.9.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TripleBronze 0.2.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Seed Totem 4.3.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Surtling Core Overclocking 1.2.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [OdinShip 0.2.6] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CustomSlotItemLib 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WishboneSlot 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Automatics 1.4.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Speedy Paths Mod 1.0.7] [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Initialized Server Authoritative Config Manager. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Blacksmithing 1.2.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Building 1.2.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Cooking 1.1.11] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Dual Wield 1.0.6] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Evasion 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Farming 2.1.8] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Stamina Regeneration from Food 1.5.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Foraging 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lumberjacking 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Mining 1.1.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Passive Powers 1.0.9] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Ranching 1.1.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ReliableBlock 1.0.0] [Info : Unity Log] Patch successful! [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Sailing 1.1.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Sailing Speed 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Server Characters 1.4.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Solid Hitboxes 1.0.4] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Spearfishing 1.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TargetPortal 1.1.6] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Tenacity 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Vitality 1.1.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Display BepInEx Info In-Game 2.0.1] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fermenter Percentage 1.0.2] [Info : Console] Progress Text: PERCENT, Use color: False, Custom Static Color: [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BetterLanterns 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Advanced Portals 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Equipment and Quick Slots 2.1.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Minimal Status Effects 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Stations Are Containers 1.0.2] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Soulcatcher 4.4.1] [Info : Unity Log] Patch successful! [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BlastFurnaceTakesAll 1.0.3] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SuperConfigurablePickupRadius 1.0.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WisplightSlot 1.0.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Adventure Backpacks 1.6.17] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Shield Me Bruh! 1.0.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MassFarming 1.5] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Comfort Tweaks 3.1.12] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:29: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:29: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:29: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:30: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:30: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:30: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:31: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:31: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:31: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:31: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:32: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:32: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : BepInEx] Loading [ImmersiveCompass 1.1.2] [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete [Info :WardIsLove] WardIsLove [3.1.1] is up to date. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:35: Starting to load scene:start

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:37: Using environment steamid 892970

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:37: Using steam APPID:892970

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:37: Authentication:k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Attempting

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu). [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:45: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:45: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:45: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:46: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:46: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:46: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:46: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:47: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:47: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:47: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:47: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:47: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Using default prefs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Valheim version:0.214.305

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.InputManager] Registering 18 custom inputs [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:48: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:49: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:49: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:49: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:49: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:50: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:50: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:50: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:50: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:51: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:51: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:51: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:51: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] Configuring item drop for OverclockProductivityCore [Info : Unity Log] Configuring item drop for OverclockEfficiencyCore [Info : Unity Log] Configuring item drop for OverclockProductivityCore [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Loaded Game VFX and SFX [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Load Complete. Bone Appetit yall. [Info :Valharvest.Main] Farming mod is installed, key is LeftShift [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the beotes set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the fyrd set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the jotunn set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the eorl set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the thegn set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the root set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the wyrdwulf set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the fenris set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the huscarl set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the gesith set. [Info :Terraheim.Log] Adding tiers for the alne set. [Info :SeedTotem.SeedTotemPrefabConfig] Registering Seed Totem Piece [Info :Jotunn.Managers.KitbashManager] Applying Kitbash in 1 objects [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_CopyOtherDB_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Valharvest.Scripts.BoneAppetitBalance] SeagullEgg Loaded. [Info :Valharvest.Main] Load Complete. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:53: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:53: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:53: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:54: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:54: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:54: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] id 0 [Info : Unity Log] name [Info :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 2 custom skills [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:56: Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 1)

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:56: Ticket is System.Byte[] of length 369

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:56: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:56: Starting music menu

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:56: UI Group status changed Menu = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:57: PlayFab logged in as "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:57: PlayFab local entity ID is 4E93F0577DE7604C

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:04:58: UI Group status changed Menu = True

[Error : FastLink] You are trying to resolve the IP :, but something is happening causing it to not work properly. [Error : FastLink] Error resolving IP: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Could not resolve host '' at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke(object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) .end_invoke_IPHostEntry_thisIAsyncResult(System.IAsyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0004d] in <1e13855442cf491a8b11d7de866cc016>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Could not resolve host '' at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke(object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) .end_invoke_IPHostEntry_thisIAsyncResult(System.IAsyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0004d] in <1e13855442cf491a8b11d7de866cc016>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 <---

[Error : FastLink] Could not resolve host '' [Error : FastLink] You are trying to resolve the IP :, but something is happening causing it to not work properly. [Error : FastLink] Error resolving IP: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Could not resolve host '' at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke(object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) .end_invoke_IPHostEntry_thisIAsyncResult(System.IAsyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0004d] in <1e13855442cf491a8b11d7de866cc016>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Could not resolve host '' at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke(object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) .end_invoke_IPHostEntry_thisIAsyncResult(System.IAsyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0004d] in <1e13855442cf491a8b11d7de866cc016>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 <---

[Error : FastLink] Could not resolve host '' [Error : FastLink] You are trying to resolve the IP :, but something is happening causing it to not work properly. [Error : FastLink] Error resolving IP: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Could not resolve host '' at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke(object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) .end_invoke_IPHostEntry_thisIAsyncResult(System.IAsyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0004d] in <1e13855442cf491a8b11d7de866cc016>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Could not resolve host '' at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke(object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) .end_invoke_IPHostEntry_thisIAsyncResult(System.IAsyncResult) at System.Net.Dns.EndGetHostEntry (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0004d] in <1e13855442cf491a8b11d7de866cc016>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 <---

[Error : FastLink] Could not resolve host '' [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:03: Found selected Start game

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:03: show character selection

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:04: OnCharacterStart

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:06: Failed to get lobby gameserver

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:06: PlayFab lobby matching search filter 'string_key10 eq '' and string_key2 eq 'True'': Got back zero lobbies

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:07: Added server with name Brodown to server list

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:08: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:09: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:09: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:09: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:09: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:10: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:10: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:10: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:10: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:11: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:11: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:11: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:11: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:12: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:12: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:12: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:12: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: PlayFab lobby matching search filter 'string_key10 eq '' and string_key2 eq 'True'': Got back zero lobbies

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Determined backend of dedicated server to be Steamworks

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Loading main scene

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Using default prefs

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Loading player profile kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: isModded: True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Zonesystem Awake 4561

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: DungeonDB Awake 4561

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:13: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] ZNetScene_Awake_Patch ran [Info :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 452 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene [Info :Jotunn.Managers.CreatureManager] Adding 37 custom creatures [Info : Unity Log] [CustomSlotCreator] Created quiver slot for LeatherQuiver. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:14: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:14: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:15: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:15: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:15: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:15: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:18: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:18: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:18: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 268 custom recipes to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 88 custom status effects to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom item conversions [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 44 custom pieces to the PieceTables [Info :Surtling Core Overclocking] Updating description of items [Info :SeedTotem.SeedTotemPrefabConfig] Moving Seed Totem to Hammer [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:19: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:19: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:19: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:19: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:19: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:20: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 2 custom RPCs [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Authoritative Config Registered -> AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:26: Zonesystem Start 4561

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:27: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_cp1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:27: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_mountaincaves

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:27: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter from locations_mistlands

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ZoneManager] Injecting 16 custom vegetation [Info : Unity Log] ZoneSystem_Start_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Bonemass [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_DragonQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Yagluth [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheElder [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Eikthyr [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Bonemass [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_DragonQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Yagluth [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheElder [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Eikthyr [Info : Unity Log] Cached water surface vertex order [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:28: DungeonDB Start 4561

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:28: ZRpc timeout set to 30s

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:28: Connecting to server with Steam-backend

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:28: Starting to connect to

[Info :AzuAreaRepair] Invoking version check [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Invoking version check [Info :HaulersHelper] Invoking version check [Info :MagicEitrBase] Invoking version check [Info : ThirdEye] Invoking version check [Info : Unity Log] Received PlantEverything version 1.13.4 and minimum version 1.13.0 from the server. [Info :AzuAreaRepair] Version check, local: 1.0.1, remote: 1.0.1 [Info :AzuAreaRepair] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received AzuAreaRepair version 1.0.1 and minimum version 1.0.1 from the server. [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Version check, local: 1.1.3, remote: 1.1.3 [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received BuildCameraCHE version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info :HaulersHelper] Version check, local: 1.0.0, remote: 1.0.0 [Info :HaulersHelper] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received HaulersHelper version 1.0.0 and minimum version 1.0.0 from the server. [Info :MagicEitrBase] Version check, local: 1.1.3, remote: 1.1.3 [Info :MagicEitrBase] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received MagicEitrBase version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Jewelcrafting version 1.4.8 and minimum version 1.4.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting PieceManager version 1.4.8 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting ItemManager version 1.4.8 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : ThirdEye] Version check, local: 2.0.3, remote: 2.0.3 [Info : ThirdEye] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received ThirdEye version 2.0.3 and minimum version 2.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Azumatt.ThirdEye SkillManager version 2.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info :WardIsLove] Version check, local: 3.1.1, remote: 3.1.1 [Info :WardIsLove] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received WardIsLove version 3.1.1 and minimum version 3.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Azumatt.WardIsLove PieceManager version 3.1.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info :Fermenting] Version check, local: 1.0.4, remote: 1.0.4 [Info :Fermenting] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received Fermenting version 1.0.4 and minimum version 1.0.4 from the server. [Info :FoodEitrRegen] Version check, local: 1.0.1, remote: 1.0.1 [Info :FoodEitrRegen] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received FoodEitrRegen version 1.0.1 and minimum version 1.0.1 from the server. [Info :MagicPlugin] Version check, local: 1.4.0, remote: 1.4.0 [Info :MagicPlugin] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received MagicPlugin version 1.4.0 and minimum version 1.4.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received blacks7ar.MagicPlugin ItemManager version 1.4.0 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : SNEAKer] Version check, local: 1.0.6, remote: 1.0.6 [Info : SNEAKer] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received SNEAKer version 1.0.6 and minimum version 1.0.6 from the server. [Info :VikingDoSwim] Version check, local: 1.1.4, remote: 1.1.4 [Info :VikingDoSwim] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received VikingsDoSwim version 1.1.4 and minimum version 1.1.4 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received PotionsPlus version 4.1.9 and minimum version 4.1.9 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received com.odinplus.potionsplus PieceManager version 4.1.9 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received com.odinplus.potionsplus ItemManager version 4.1.9 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Climbing version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Rowing version 1.0.2 and minimum version 1.0.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Hugos Armory version 8.3.0 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received OdinShip version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.2.6 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received marlthon.OdinShip PieceManager version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received marlthon.OdinShip ItemManager version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Blacksmithing version 1.2.2 and minimum version 1.2.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Building version 1.2.4 and minimum version 1.2.4 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Cooking version 1.1.11 and minimum version 1.1.11 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Dual Wield version 1.0.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.evasion SkillManager version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Farming version 2.1.8 and minimum version 2.1.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Stamina Regeneration from Food version 1.5.3 and minimum version 1.5.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Foraging version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Lumberjacking version 1.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Mining version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Passive Powers version 1.0.9 and minimum version 1.0.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Ranching version 1.1.1 and minimum version 1.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Sailing version 1.1.5 and minimum version 1.1.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Sailing Speed version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Server Characters version 1.4.2 and minimum version 1.4.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received TargetPortal version 1.1.6 and minimum version 1.1.6 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.tenacity SkillManager version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Vitality version 1.1.1 and minimum version 1.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received BetterLanterns version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received ragehatred.BetterLanterns ItemManager version 1.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Advanced Portals version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Stations Are Containers version 1.0.2 and minimum version 1.0.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Soulcatcher version 4.4.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Soulcatcher ItemManager version 4.4.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received SuperConfigurablePickupRadius version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Adventure Backpacks version 1.6.17 and minimum version 1.6.17 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received vapok.mods.adventurebackpacks ItemManager version 1.6.17 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Shield Me Bruh! version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Comfort Tweaks version 3.1.12 and minimum version 3.1.12 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received xyz.alcan.comfortcalc ItemManager version 3.1.12 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received ImmersiveCompass version 1.1.2 and minimum version 1.1.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Quick Stack - Store - Sort - Trash - Restock version 1.3.10 and minimum version 1.3.10 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] RuneMagic version check: theirs 1.1 mine 1.1 [Info : Unity Log] Version matched [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: New connection

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: Connected

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: Got connection SteamID 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: Ticket is System.Byte[] of length 369

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:29: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Got connectoin error msg ErrorPassword

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Lost connection to server:ErrorPassword

[Message:Server Characters] Lost connection to the server. Preparing for emergency backup of profile data. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Shuting down

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Considering autobackup. World time: 5.360001, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: ZNet Shutdown

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Sending disconnect msg

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Sent to 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Released session ticket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Disposing socket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Closing socket 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: send queue size:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Last socket, unregistering callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Disposing socket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: Last socket, unregistering callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:34: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: ZNet OnDestroy

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Net scene destroyed

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu). [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Using default prefs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Valheim version:0.214.305

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:36: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:37: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:37: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:37: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:38: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:38: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:38: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_CopyOtherDB_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Valharvest.Scripts.BoneAppetitBalance] SeagullEgg Loaded. [Info :Valharvest.Main] Load Complete. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:38: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:39: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:39: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:39: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:39: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:40: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] id 0 [Info : Unity Log] name [Info :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 2 custom skills [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:40: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:40: Starting music menu

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:43: UI Group status changed Menu = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:44: Found selected Start game

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:44: show character selection

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:45: OnCharacterStart

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:46: PlayFab lobby matching search filter 'string_key10 eq '' and string_key2 eq 'True'': Got back zero lobbies

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:46: Failed to get lobby gameserver

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:47: Added server with name Brodown to server list

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:48: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:49: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:49: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:49: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:49: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:50: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:50: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:50: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:50: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:51: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:51: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:51: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:51: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:52: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:52: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:52: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:52: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: PlayFab lobby matching search filter 'string_key10 eq '' and string_key2 eq 'True'': Got back zero lobbies

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Determined backend of dedicated server to be Steamworks

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Loading main scene

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Using default prefs

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Loading player profile kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: isModded: True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Zonesystem Awake 6018

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: DungeonDB Awake 6018

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:53: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] ZNetScene_Awake_Patch ran [Info :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 459 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene [Info :Jotunn.Managers.CreatureManager] Adding 37 custom creatures [Info : Unity Log] [CustomSlotCreator] Created quiver slot for LeatherQuiver. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:54: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:54: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:54: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:54: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:55: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:55: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:55: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:55: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:55: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 268 custom recipes to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 88 custom status effects to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom item conversions [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 44 custom pieces to the PieceTables [Info :Surtling Core Overclocking] Updating description of items [Info :SeedTotem.SeedTotemPrefabConfig] Moving Seed Totem to Hammer [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:56: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:56: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:56: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:56: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:56: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:06:57: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 2 custom RPCs [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Authoritative Config Registered -> AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:01: Zonesystem Start 6018

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:02: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_cp1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:02: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_mountaincaves

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:02: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter from locations_mistlands

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ZoneManager] Injecting 16 custom vegetation [Info : Unity Log] ZoneSystem_Start_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Bonemass [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_DragonQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Yagluth [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheElder [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Eikthyr [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Bonemass [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_DragonQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Yagluth [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheElder [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Eikthyr [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:03: DungeonDB Start 6018

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:03: ZRpc timeout set to 30s

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:03: Connecting to server with Steam-backend

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:03: Starting to connect to

[Info :AzuAreaRepair] Invoking version check [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Invoking version check [Info :HaulersHelper] Invoking version check [Info :MagicEitrBase] Invoking version check [Info : ThirdEye] Invoking version check [Info : Unity Log] Received PlantEverything version 1.13.4 and minimum version 1.13.0 from the server. [Info :AzuAreaRepair] Version check, local: 1.0.1, remote: 1.0.1 [Info :AzuAreaRepair] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received AzuAreaRepair version 1.0.1 and minimum version 1.0.1 from the server. [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Version check, local: 1.1.3, remote: 1.1.3 [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received BuildCameraCHE version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info :HaulersHelper] Version check, local: 1.0.0, remote: 1.0.0 [Info :HaulersHelper] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received HaulersHelper version 1.0.0 and minimum version 1.0.0 from the server. [Info :MagicEitrBase] Version check, local: 1.1.3, remote: 1.1.3 [Info :MagicEitrBase] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received MagicEitrBase version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Jewelcrafting version 1.4.8 and minimum version 1.4.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting PieceManager version 1.4.8 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting ItemManager version 1.4.8 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : ThirdEye] Version check, local: 2.0.3, remote: 2.0.3 [Info : ThirdEye] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received ThirdEye version 2.0.3 and minimum version 2.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Azumatt.ThirdEye SkillManager version 2.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info :WardIsLove] Version check, local: 3.1.1, remote: 3.1.1 [Info :WardIsLove] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received WardIsLove version 3.1.1 and minimum version 3.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Azumatt.WardIsLove PieceManager version 3.1.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info :Fermenting] Version check, local: 1.0.4, remote: 1.0.4 [Info :Fermenting] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received Fermenting version 1.0.4 and minimum version 1.0.4 from the server. [Info :FoodEitrRegen] Version check, local: 1.0.1, remote: 1.0.1 [Info :FoodEitrRegen] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received FoodEitrRegen version 1.0.1 and minimum version 1.0.1 from the server. [Info :MagicPlugin] Version check, local: 1.4.0, remote: 1.4.0 [Info :MagicPlugin] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received MagicPlugin version 1.4.0 and minimum version 1.4.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received blacks7ar.MagicPlugin ItemManager version 1.4.0 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : SNEAKer] Version check, local: 1.0.6, remote: 1.0.6 [Info : SNEAKer] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received SNEAKer version 1.0.6 and minimum version 1.0.6 from the server. [Info :VikingDoSwim] Version check, local: 1.1.4, remote: 1.1.4 [Info :VikingDoSwim] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received VikingsDoSwim version 1.1.4 and minimum version 1.1.4 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received PotionsPlus version 4.1.9 and minimum version 4.1.9 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received com.odinplus.potionsplus PieceManager version 4.1.9 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received com.odinplus.potionsplus ItemManager version 4.1.9 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Climbing version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Rowing version 1.0.2 and minimum version 1.0.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Hugos Armory version 8.3.0 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received OdinShip version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.2.6 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received marlthon.OdinShip PieceManager version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received marlthon.OdinShip ItemManager version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Blacksmithing version 1.2.2 and minimum version 1.2.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Building version 1.2.4 and minimum version 1.2.4 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Cooking version 1.1.11 and minimum version 1.1.11 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Dual Wield version 1.0.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.evasion SkillManager version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Farming version 2.1.8 and minimum version 2.1.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Stamina Regeneration from Food version 1.5.3 and minimum version 1.5.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Foraging version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Lumberjacking version 1.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Mining version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Passive Powers version 1.0.9 and minimum version 1.0.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Ranching version 1.1.1 and minimum version 1.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Sailing version 1.1.5 and minimum version 1.1.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Sailing Speed version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Server Characters version 1.4.2 and minimum version 1.4.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received TargetPortal version 1.1.6 and minimum version 1.1.6 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.tenacity SkillManager version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Vitality version 1.1.1 and minimum version 1.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received BetterLanterns version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received ragehatred.BetterLanterns ItemManager version 1.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Advanced Portals version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Stations Are Containers version 1.0.2 and minimum version 1.0.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Soulcatcher version 4.4.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Soulcatcher ItemManager version 4.4.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received SuperConfigurablePickupRadius version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Adventure Backpacks version 1.6.17 and minimum version 1.6.17 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received vapok.mods.adventurebackpacks ItemManager version 1.6.17 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Shield Me Bruh! version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Comfort Tweaks version 3.1.12 and minimum version 3.1.12 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received xyz.alcan.comfortcalc ItemManager version 3.1.12 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received ImmersiveCompass version 1.1.2 and minimum version 1.1.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Quick Stack - Store - Sort - Trash - Restock version 1.3.10 and minimum version 1.3.10 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] RuneMagic version check: theirs 1.1 mine 1.1 [Info : Unity Log] Version matched [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:04: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:04: New connection

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:04: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:04: Connected

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:04: Got connection SteamID 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:04: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Got connectoin error msg ErrorPassword

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Lost connection to server:ErrorPassword

[Message:Server Characters] Lost connection to the server. Preparing for emergency backup of profile data. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Shuting down

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Considering autobackup. World time: 10.21999, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: ZNet Shutdown

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Sending disconnect msg

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Sent to 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Released session ticket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Disposing socket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Closing socket 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: send queue size:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Last socket, unregistering callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Disposing socket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: Last socket, unregistering callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:14: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: ZNet OnDestroy

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Net scene destroyed

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu). [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Using default prefs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Valheim version:0.214.305

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:16: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:17: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:18: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:18: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:18: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:18: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:18: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_CopyOtherDB_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Valharvest.Scripts.BoneAppetitBalance] SeagullEgg Loaded. [Info :Valharvest.Main] Load Complete. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:19: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:19: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:19: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:19: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:20: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:20: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] id 0 [Info : Unity Log] name [Info :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 2 custom skills [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:20: Ticket is System.Byte[] of length 369

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:20: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:20: Starting music menu

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:27: UI Group status changed Menu = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:28: Found selected Start game

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:28: show character selection

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:28: OnCharacterStart

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:29: PlayFab lobby matching search filter 'string_key10 eq '' and string_key2 eq 'True'': Got back zero lobbies

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:29: Failed to get lobby gameserver

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:31: Added server with name Brodown to server list

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:32: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:33: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:33: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:33: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:33: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:34: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:34: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:34: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:34: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:35: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:35: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:35: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:35: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:36: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:36: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:36: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:36: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Backend not retreived yet, checking again in 0.25 seconds...

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: PlayFab lobby matching search filter 'string_key10 eq '' and string_key2 eq 'True'': Got back zero lobbies

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Determined backend of dedicated server to be Steamworks

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Loading main scene

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Using default prefs

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Loading player profile kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: isModded: True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Zonesystem Awake 8291

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: DungeonDB Awake 8291

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:37: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] ZNetScene_Awake_Patch ran [Info :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 459 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene [Info :Jotunn.Managers.CreatureManager] Adding 37 custom creatures [Info : Unity Log] [CustomSlotCreator] Created quiver slot for LeatherQuiver. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:38: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:38: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:38: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:38: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:38: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:39: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:39: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:39: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:39: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 268 custom recipes to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 88 custom status effects to the ObjectDB [Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom item conversions [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 44 custom pieces to the PieceTables [Info :Surtling Core Overclocking] Updating description of items [Info :SeedTotem.SeedTotemPrefabConfig] Moving Seed Totem to Hammer [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:39: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:39: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:40: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:40: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:40: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:40: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 2 custom RPCs [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Authoritative Config Registered -> AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:45: Zonesystem Start 8291

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:46: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_cp1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:46: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_mountaincaves

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:46: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter from locations_mistlands

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ZoneManager] Injecting 16 custom vegetation [Info : Unity Log] ZoneSystem_Start_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Bonemass [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_DragonQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Yagluth [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheElder [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Eikthyr [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Bonemass [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_DragonQueen [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Yagluth [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_TheElder [Info : Unity Log] Skipping BossStone_Eikthyr [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:47: DungeonDB Start 8291

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:47: ZRpc timeout set to 30s

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:47: Connecting to server with Steam-backend

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:47: Starting to connect to

[Info :AzuAreaRepair] Invoking version check [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Invoking version check [Info :HaulersHelper] Invoking version check [Info :MagicEitrBase] Invoking version check [Info : ThirdEye] Invoking version check [Info : Unity Log] Received PlantEverything version 1.13.4 and minimum version 1.13.0 from the server. [Info :AzuAreaRepair] Version check, local: 1.0.1, remote: 1.0.1 [Info :AzuAreaRepair] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received AzuAreaRepair version 1.0.1 and minimum version 1.0.1 from the server. [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Version check, local: 1.1.3, remote: 1.1.3 [Info :BuildCameraCHE] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received BuildCameraCHE version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info :HaulersHelper] Version check, local: 1.0.0, remote: 1.0.0 [Info :HaulersHelper] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received HaulersHelper version 1.0.0 and minimum version 1.0.0 from the server. [Info :MagicEitrBase] Version check, local: 1.1.3, remote: 1.1.3 [Info :MagicEitrBase] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received MagicEitrBase version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Jewelcrafting version 1.4.8 and minimum version 1.4.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting PieceManager version 1.4.8 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting ItemManager version 1.4.8 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : ThirdEye] Version check, local: 2.0.3, remote: 2.0.3 [Info : ThirdEye] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received ThirdEye version 2.0.3 and minimum version 2.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Azumatt.ThirdEye SkillManager version 2.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info :WardIsLove] Version check, local: 3.1.1, remote: 3.1.1 [Info :WardIsLove] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received WardIsLove version 3.1.1 and minimum version 3.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Azumatt.WardIsLove PieceManager version 3.1.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info :Fermenting] Version check, local: 1.0.4, remote: 1.0.4 [Info :Fermenting] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received Fermenting version 1.0.4 and minimum version 1.0.4 from the server. [Info :FoodEitrRegen] Version check, local: 1.0.1, remote: 1.0.1 [Info :FoodEitrRegen] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received FoodEitrRegen version 1.0.1 and minimum version 1.0.1 from the server. [Info :MagicPlugin] Version check, local: 1.4.0, remote: 1.4.0 [Info :MagicPlugin] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received MagicPlugin version 1.4.0 and minimum version 1.4.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received blacks7ar.MagicPlugin ItemManager version 1.4.0 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : SNEAKer] Version check, local: 1.0.6, remote: 1.0.6 [Info : SNEAKer] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received SNEAKer version 1.0.6 and minimum version 1.0.6 from the server. [Info :VikingDoSwim] Version check, local: 1.1.4, remote: 1.1.4 [Info :VikingDoSwim] Received same version from server! [Info : Unity Log] Received VikingsDoSwim version 1.1.4 and minimum version 1.1.4 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received PotionsPlus version 4.1.9 and minimum version 4.1.9 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received com.odinplus.potionsplus PieceManager version 4.1.9 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received com.odinplus.potionsplus ItemManager version 4.1.9 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Climbing version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Rowing version 1.0.2 and minimum version 1.0.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Hugos Armory version 8.3.0 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received OdinShip version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.2.6 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received marlthon.OdinShip PieceManager version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received marlthon.OdinShip ItemManager version 0.2.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Blacksmithing version 1.2.2 and minimum version 1.2.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Building version 1.2.4 and minimum version 1.2.4 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Cooking version 1.1.11 and minimum version 1.1.11 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Dual Wield version 1.0.6 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.evasion SkillManager version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Farming version 2.1.8 and minimum version 2.1.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Stamina Regeneration from Food version 1.5.3 and minimum version 1.5.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Foraging version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Lumberjacking version 1.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Mining version 1.1.3 and minimum version 1.1.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Passive Powers version 1.0.9 and minimum version 1.0.8 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Ranching version 1.1.1 and minimum version 1.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Sailing version 1.1.5 and minimum version 1.1.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Sailing Speed version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Server Characters version 1.4.2 and minimum version 1.4.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received TargetPortal version 1.1.6 and minimum version 1.1.6 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received org.bepinex.plugins.tenacity SkillManager version 1.0.2 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Vitality version 1.1.1 and minimum version 1.1.1 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received BetterLanterns version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received ragehatred.BetterLanterns ItemManager version 1.0.3 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Advanced Portals version 1.0.3 and minimum version 1.0.3 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Stations Are Containers version 1.0.2 and minimum version 1.0.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Soulcatcher version 4.4.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Soulcatcher ItemManager version 4.4.1 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received SuperConfigurablePickupRadius version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Adventure Backpacks version 1.6.17 and minimum version 1.6.17 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received vapok.mods.adventurebackpacks ItemManager version 1.6.17 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Shield Me Bruh! version 1.0.5 and minimum version 1.0.5 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Comfort Tweaks version 3.1.12 and minimum version 3.1.12 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received xyz.alcan.comfortcalc ItemManager version 3.1.12 and minimum version 0.0.0 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received ImmersiveCompass version 1.1.2 and minimum version 1.1.2 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] Received Quick Stack - Store - Sort - Trash - Restock version 1.3.10 and minimum version 1.3.10 from the server. [Info : Unity Log] RuneMagic version check: theirs 1.1 mine 1.1 [Info : Unity Log] Version matched [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:48: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:48: New connection

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:48: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:48: Connected

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:48: Got connection SteamID 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:07:48: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] Received 102 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod PlantEverything [Info : Unity Log] Received 3 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod AzuAreaRepair [Info : Unity Log] Received 6 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod BuildCameraCHE [Info : Unity Log] Received 15 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod HaulersHelper [Info : Unity Log] Received 5 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod MagicEitrBase [Info : Unity Log] Received 174 configs and 1 custom values from the server for mod Jewelcrafting [Info : Unity Log] Received 5 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod ThirdEye [Info : Unity Log] Received 50 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod WardIsLove [Info : Unity Log] Received 6 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Fermenting [Info : Unity Log] Received 2 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod FoodEitrRegen [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:07: Session auth respons callback

[Info : Unity Log] Received 66 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod MagicPlugin [Info : Unity Log] Received 12 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting PieceManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 645 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod org.bepinex.plugins.jewelcrafting ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 2 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Azumatt.ThirdEye SkillManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 5 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Azumatt.WardIsLove PieceManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 182 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod blacks7ar.MagicPlugin ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 6 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod SNEAKer [Info : Unity Log] Received 11 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod VikingsDoSwim [Info : Unity Log] Received 84 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod PotionsPlus [Info : Unity Log] Received 9 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod com.odinplus.potionsplus PieceManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 7 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Climbing [Info : Unity Log] Received 1 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Rowing [Info : Unity Log] Received 0 configs and 3 custom values from the server for mod Hugos Armory [Info : Unity Log] Received 347 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod com.odinplus.potionsplus ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 1 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod OdinShip [Info : Unity Log] Received 120 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod marlthon.OdinShip PieceManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 15 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Blacksmithing [Info : Unity Log] Received 10 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod marlthon.OdinShip ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 9 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Building [Info : Unity Log] Received 10 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Cooking [Info : Unity Log] Received 53 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Dual Wield [Info : Unity Log] Received 2 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod org.bepinex.plugins.evasion SkillManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 10 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Farming [Info : Unity Log] Received 126 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Stamina Regeneration from Food [Info : Unity Log] Received 8 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Foraging [Info : Unity Log] Received 6 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Lumberjacking [Info : Unity Log] Received 6 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Mining [Info : Unity Log] Received 30 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Passive Powers [Info : Unity Log] Received 7 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Ranching [Info : Unity Log] Received 51 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Sailing [Info : Unity Log] Received 2 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Sailing Speed [Info : Unity Log] Received 13 configs and 1 custom values from the server for mod Server Characters [Info : Unity Log] Received 2 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod TargetPortal [Info : Unity Log] Received 2 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod org.bepinex.plugins.tenacity SkillManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 9 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Vitality [Info : Unity Log] Received 1 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod BetterLanterns [Info : Unity Log] Received 14 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod ragehatred.BetterLanterns ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 15 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Advanced Portals [Info : Unity Log] Received 1 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Stations Are Containers [Info : Unity Log] Received 131 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Soulcatcher [Info : Unity Log] Received 54 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Soulcatcher ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 3 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod SuperConfigurablePickupRadius [Info : Unity Log] Received 126 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Adventure Backpacks [Info : Unity Log] Received 70 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod vapok.mods.adventurebackpacks ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 0 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Shield Me Bruh! [Info : Unity Log] Received 157 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Comfort Tweaks [Info : Unity Log] Received 38 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod xyz.alcan.comfortcalc ItemManager [Info : Unity Log] Received 7 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod ImmersiveCompass [Info : Unity Log] Received 5 configs and 0 custom values from the server for mod Quick Stack - Store - Sort - Trash - Restock [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:07: VERSION check their:0.214.300 mine:0.214.300

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:07: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Authoritative Config Registered -> AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths [Info : Unity Log] Speedy Paths Mod: Authoritative Config Requested -> AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:09: client got keys 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:09: client got location icons

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:09: Icons:1

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.SynchronizationManager+d__36] Received admin status from server: Admin [Message:Boneappetit.BoneAppetit] Initial Config sync event received [Info :WardIsLove] This account is an admin. [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Hud.BuffIcon +1: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Hud.BuffIcon +2: 1.39 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Hud.DebuffIcon -1: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Hud.DebuffIcon -2: 0.79 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Performance.Ground Sensor Interval: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Performance.Ground Sensor Radius: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.DirtPathSpeed: 1.15 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.StonePathSpeed: 1.4 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.CultivatedSpeed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.StructureWoodSpeed: 1.15 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.StructureHardWoodSpeed: 1.15 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.StructureStoneSpeed: 1.4 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.StructureIronSpeed: 1.4 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers.StructureMarbleSpeed: 1.4 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.DirtPathStamina: 0.8 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.StonePathStamina: 0.7 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.CultivatedStamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.StructureWoodStamina: 0.8 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.StructureHardWoodStamina: 0.8 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.StructureStoneStamina: 0.7 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.StructureIronStamina: 0.7 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers.StructureMarbleStamina: 0.7 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_None_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_None_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_None: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Meadows_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Meadows_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_Meadows: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Swamp_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Swamp_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_Swamp: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Mountain_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Mountain_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_Mountain: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_BlackForest_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_BlackForest_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_BlackForest: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Plains_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Plains_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_Plains: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_AshLands_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_AshLands_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_AshLands: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_DeepNorth_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_DeepNorth_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_DeepNorth: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Ocean_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Ocean_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_Ocean: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => SpeedModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Mistlands_Speed: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => StaminaModifiers_Biomes.Untamed_Mistlands_Stamina: 1 [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Biome_Mistlands: default [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.PathDirt: Dirt Path [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.PathStone: Stone Path [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.Cultivated: Cultivated [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.StructureWood: Wood [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.StructureHardWood: Hardwood [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.StructureStone: Stone [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.StructureIron: Iron [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied Server Authoritative config pair => Strings.StructureMarble: Marble [Info :AuthoritativeConfig_nex.SpeedyPaths] Applied 60 config pairs [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:16: Unpacking compressed mapdata 8843

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:16: Starting respawn

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:16: tip:$loadscreen_tip05

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:19: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:19: Dungeon loaded 10

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:19: Dungeon load time 52.0088 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:24: Spawned after 8.019994

[Info : Unity Log] id 0 [Info : Unity Log] name ... [Info :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 2 custom skills [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:24: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:24: Minimap: Adding unique location (130.0, 80.1, -2.1)

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:26: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:26: Resumed music home at 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:30: Is mine

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:30: is current spawnpoint

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:31: Is mine

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:31: is current spawnpoint

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:31: Stopped music home at 234259

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:35: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:35: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:35: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:35: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:35: UI Group status changed Container = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:37: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:37: Resumed music home at 234259

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:38: Stopped music home at 276594

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:43: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:43: Resumed music home at 276594

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:44: Is mine

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:44: is current spawnpoint

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:44: exporeusre check 1 True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:44: Ignoring 2 colliders

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:51: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:58: Uncompressed size 8388817

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:58: Compressed size 8843

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:58: Considering autobackup. World time: 61.48, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:08:58: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:04: Starting music morning

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:04: Stopped music home at 1204222

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:12: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:12: Disabling FireWarmth character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:12: Disabling FireBurn character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:12: Disabling Pathfinding_blocker pathblocker

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:23: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newstation:Stone Griddle

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:23: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:Pork Rinds

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:23: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$meat_skewer_name

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:23: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$grilled_meat_name

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:23: Placed rk_griddle

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/10 $item_stone in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (384.4, 34.4, -512.2) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (383.9, 34.4, -511.6) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (383.8, 35.4, -511.8) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.8, 34.3, -515.0) has 29 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 8 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 29 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 10/10 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:38: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:38: Resumed music meadows at 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:52: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:55: Placed piece_workbench

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 47/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:55: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:59: Stopped music meadows at 903167

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:59: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:09:59: Resumed music home at 1204222

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:00: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:00: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:00: Refresh complete 8455 eServerResponded

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:12: Placed piece_workbench_ext1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 47/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 16/10 $item_flint in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:23: Stopped music home at 2288964

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:23: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:23: Resumed music home at 2288964

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:25: Placed wood_wall_half

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 40/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:29: Placed woodwall

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 39/2 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:42: Placed wood_pole

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 37/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:44: Placed wood_floor_1x1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 36/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:45: Placed wood_floor_1x1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 35/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:10:58: Placed piece_chest_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 34/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:00: Placed piece_chest_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 24/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:02: Placed piece_chest_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 14/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:14: Placed piece_chest_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 36/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:15: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:15: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:15: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:21: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:21: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:21: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:28: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:28: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:28: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:11:57: Update PlayFab entity token

[Error : BepInEx] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at MinimalUI.MinimalUIPlugin.TurnOffMuigpBar (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x0009d] in <3cf8b1d4acf54840a8c4afb24b8b0e1b>:0 at BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigEntry`1[T].<.ctor>b__10_0 (System.Object sender, BepInEx.Configuration.SettingChangedEventArgs args) [0x00013] in :0 at BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigFile.OnSettingChanged (System.Object sender, BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigEntryBase changedEntryBase) [0x00048] in :0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:13:45: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:13:45: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:13:45: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:13:46: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:13:48: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:02: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:10: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:14: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:14: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:14: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:15: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:15: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:15: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:19: Setting selected recipe 11

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:19: Setting selected recipe 11

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:19: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:19: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:26: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:27: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:27: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:33: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:33: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:33: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:50: Placed wood_wall_half

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 3/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:14:52: Placed wood_wall_half

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 2/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:00: Placed wood_roof_top

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 1/2 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 26 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 7 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 26 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 2/2 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:03: Placed wood_pole2

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/2 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 25 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 7 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 25 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 2/2 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:06: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:06: Disabling FireWarmth character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:06: Disabling FireBurn character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:06: Disabling Pathfinding_blocker pathblocker

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:09: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:16: Placed rk_griddle

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/10 $item_stone in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 29 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 7 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 29 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 10/10 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:19: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:21: Placed fire_pit

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/5 $item_stone in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 19 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 7 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 19 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 5/5 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/2 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 23 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 7 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 23 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 2/2 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:24: Placed wood_wall_half

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/1 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 21 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 7 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 21 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 1/1 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:29: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:29: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:29: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:29: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:31: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:33: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:36: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:37: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:38: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:38: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:41: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$grilled_meat_name

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/2 Raw Pork in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 3 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 2 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 3 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 2/2 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/1 $salt_name in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 2 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 2 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 2 $salt_name [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 1/1 $salt_name [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $salt_name [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:41: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:43: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:43: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:44: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:44: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:44: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:46: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:50: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:51: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:57: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:57: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:15:57: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:00: UI Group status changed root = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:00: UI Group status changed Player = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:01: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:01: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:01: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:02: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:02: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:02: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:08: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:08: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:08: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:09: Stopped music home at 1257218

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:09: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:09: Resumed music meadows at 903167

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:26: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:26: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:26: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:28: Setting selected recipe 11

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:28: Setting selected recipe 11

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:28: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:28: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:31: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:31: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:31: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:32: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:32: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:32: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:32: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:32: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:32: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:33: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:33: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:33: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:35: Stopped music meadows at 2021778

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:35: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:35: Resumed music home at 1257218

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:35: Stopped music home at 1271329

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:35: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:16:35: Resumed music meadows at 2021778

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:25: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:25: Dungeon loaded 10

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:25: Dungeon load time 55.0101 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:30: Spawned Neck x 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:33: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:33: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:33: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:35: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:17:36: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newmaterial:$item_deer_meat

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:Bacon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newmaterial:$item_deerhide

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_bow_finewood

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newpiece:$piece_workbench_ext2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newpiece:$piece_rug_deer

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:05: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newpiece:$piece_reforger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:09: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$jc_uncut_blueish_stone

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:14: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:14: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:15: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newtrophy:$item_trophy_boar

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:15: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$htd_armor_head_boar

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:15: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$htd_armor_chest_boar

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:15: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$htd_armor_legs_boar

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:15: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$htd_armor_shoulder_boar

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:21: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:22: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:22: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:40: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:40: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:50: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$jc_uncut_green_stone

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:53: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:53: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:59: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:18:59: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Dungeon loaded 10

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Dungeon load time 54.5092 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Spawned Deer x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Spawned Boar x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:06: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$jc_uncut_purple_stone

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:34: Setting selected recipe 11

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:34: Setting selected recipe 11

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:34: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:34: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:36: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:41: Stopped music meadows at 527856

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:41: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:41: Resumed music home at 1271329

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:42: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:45: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:49: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_bow

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (382.9, 34.3, -513.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/8 $item_leatherscraps in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (382.9, 34.3, -513.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:49: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:49: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:56: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_arrow_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/8 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (382.9, 34.3, -513.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:19:56: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:01: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:01: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:01: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:01: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:01: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:01: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:02: UI Group status changed root = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:02: Found selected ButtonCanvas

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:02: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:03: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:03: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:03: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:10: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:18: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:22: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:22: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:22: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:34: Found selected CraftingButton

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:35: Setting selected recipe 9

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:35: Setting selected recipe 9

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:35: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:20:35: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:00: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:02: Setting selected recipe 1

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:16: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:16: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:16: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:17: Stopped music home at 5502106

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:17: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:17: Resumed music meadows at 527856

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:20: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:23: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:23: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:23: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:23: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:24: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:24: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:26: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:26: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:26: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:29: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:32: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:32: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:32: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:32: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:34: Stopped music meadows at 1245686

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:34: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:34: Resumed music home at 5502106

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:39: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:39: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:42: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:42: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:42: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:43: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:44: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:44: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:50: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:50: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:50: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:51: Stopped music home at 6259449

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:51: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:21:51: Resumed music meadows at 1245686

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:23:25: Rel vel 1.197703

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:23:28: Rel vel 1.108507

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:23:59: Rel vel 1.092168

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:24:24: Rel vel 1.182721

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:12: Rel vel 1.559565

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:31: Rel vel 1.512475

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:33: Rel vel 1.374262

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:34: Rel vel 1.537022

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:37: Rel vel 1.177418

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:38: Rel vel 1.189173

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:40: Rel vel 1.572838

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:46: Spawned Neck x 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:54: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:54: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:54: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:54: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:56: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:25:57: Setting selected recipe 8

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:11: Stopped music meadows at 2989998

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:11: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:11: Resumed music home at 6259449

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:13: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:23: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:23: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:25: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:25: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newstation:$piece_reforger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_chest_leather_t0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_legs_leather_t0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_cape_deerhide

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_helmet_leather_t0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Placed reforger

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 8/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:27: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 35 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 9 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 35 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 10/10 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/10 $item_stone in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 17 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 9 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 17 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 10/10 $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_stone [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/3 $item_deerhide in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 3 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 9 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 3 $item_deerhide [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 3/3 $item_deerhide [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_deerhide [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:28: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:28: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:28: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:28: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:34: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:34: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:34: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:34: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:35: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:35: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:42: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:42: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:42: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:46: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:46: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:47: Setting selected recipe -1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:49: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:50: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:26:50: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:05: Found selected InputField

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:05: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:05: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:05: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:05: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:08: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:10: Setting selected recipe 8

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:20: Is mine

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:20: is current spawnpoint

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:20: exporeusre check 1 True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:20: Ignoring 2 colliders

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:25: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:25: Starting music evening

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:26: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:26: Stopped music home at 1454939

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:32: Uncompressed size 8388817

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:33: Compressed size 8841

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:33: Considering autobackup. World time: 1175.94, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:33: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:34: Spawned Seagal x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:34: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:38: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:38: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:38: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:39: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:39: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:39: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:41: Starting music morning

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:41: Setting selected recipe 12

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:41: Setting selected recipe 12

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:41: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:41: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:45: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:45: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:45: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:46: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:46: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:27:46: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:28:15: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:28:15: Resumed music meadows at 2989998

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:28:41: Spawned Deer x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:28:41: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:01: Spawned Boar x 1

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:17: Spawned Boar x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:18: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:18: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:18: Dungeon load time 12.5021 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:24: Update PlayFab entity token

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:35: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:35: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:35: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:38: Setting selected recipe 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:29:38: Setting selected recipe 5

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:18: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:18: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:18: Dungeon load time 12.5029 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:21: Spawned Neck x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:21: Spawned Neck x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:21: Spawned Seagal x 1

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:30:53: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newtrophy:$item_trophy_neck

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:07: Spawned Deer x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:07: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:10: Spawned Deer x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:10: Spawned Neck x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:10: Spawned Neck x 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:10: Spawned Seagal x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:10: Spawned Fish1 x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:10: Spawned Fish2 x 2

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:29: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:29: On death False

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:32: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:32: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:32: adding BoneFragments 3

[Info :ChebsNecromancy.Patches.CharacterDrop_Patches] items dropped is true [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:49: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:49: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:50: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:50: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:31:50: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:10: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newtrophy:$item_trophy_deer

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:10: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_stagbreaker

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:15: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:15: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:15: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:19: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:19: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:19: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:21: Spawned Neck x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:21: Spawned Seagal x 1

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:46: Spawned Boar x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:46: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:46: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:57: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:57: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:57: Dungeon load time 13.0025 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:59: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:59: Dungeon loaded 20

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:32:59: Dungeon load time 14.5033 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:05: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:05: On death False

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:17: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:17: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:22: Spawned Boar x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:22: Spawned Boar x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:22: Spawned Troll x 1

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:30: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:30: On death False

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:38: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:38: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:38: Dungeon load time 12.0022 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:48: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:33:48: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:34:20: Stopped music meadows at 9337644

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:34:20: Starting music blackforest

[Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Error : Unity Log] [BetterArchery]: SFX not found. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:34:30: Spawned Boar x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:34:35: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:34:35: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:34:35: Dungeon load time 15.0023 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:02: Spawned Neck x 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:03: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:03: Dungeon loaded 37

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:03: Dungeon load time 17.5037 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:06: Stopped music blackforest at 2047180

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:06: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:06: Resumed music meadows at 9337644

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:34: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:34: Dungeon loaded 10

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:34: Dungeon load time 51.5094 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Dungeon loaded 37

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Dungeon load time 17.0026 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Dungeon loaded 20

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Dungeon load time 11.5019 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:35: Dungeon load time 14.5024 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:37: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:37: Dungeon loaded 10

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:37: Dungeon load time 50.509 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:50: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:50: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:35:50: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:03: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:03: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:03: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:20: Setting selected recipe 5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:20: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:20: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:23: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:23: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:23: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:23: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:27: Stopped music meadows at 3201815

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:27: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:41: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:41: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:41: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:41: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:50: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:36:52: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:01: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:01: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:01: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:04: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:04: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:08: Placed piece_chest_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (385.5, 34.3, -510.0) has 36 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 9 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 36 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 10/10 $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $item_wood [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:09: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:09: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:09: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:14: Stopped music home at 2055647

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:14: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:14: Resumed music home at 2055647

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:22: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:24: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:25: Setting selected recipe 9

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:25: Setting selected recipe 9

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:25: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:25: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:30: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:30: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:30: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:30: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:39: Stopped music home at 3159205

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:39: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:39: Resumed music meadows at 3201815

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:42: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:42: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:44: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:44: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:37:47: Spawned Neck x 1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 16 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 15 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:38:03: Stopped music meadows at 4271504

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:38:03: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:38:03: Resumed music home at 3159205

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 14 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 13 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 12 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 11 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:38:57: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:38:57: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:38:57: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:00: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:01: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:02: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:04: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:09: Setting selected recipe 9

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:09: Setting selected recipe 9

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:09: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:09: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:13: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:15: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_club

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/6 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 34.3, -508.8) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:15: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:17: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:17: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:17: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:17: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:17: Item is not in this container

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:17: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:18: UI Group status changed root = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:18: Found selected ButtonCanvas

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:18: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:19: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:19: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:19: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:23: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:23: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:24: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:24: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:35: Stopped music home at 7194296

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:35: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:35: Resumed music meadows at 4271504

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:39: Spawned Boar x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:39: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:44: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:44: Dungeon loaded 10

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:44: Dungeon load time 57.0112 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:58: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:58: Dungeon loaded 37

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:58: Dungeon load time 17.5031 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:58: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:58: Dungeon loaded 20

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:58: Dungeon load time 9.5012 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:39:59: Spawned Greyling x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:03: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:03: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:03: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:05: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:05: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:05: Dungeon load time 16.003 ms

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:13: Force generaeting hmap (128.0, 0.0, -576.0)

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:17: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:17: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:17: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:33: Stopped music meadows at 6862467

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:33: Starting music blackforest

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:33: Resumed music blackforest at 2047180

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:49: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:49: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:49: adding BoneFragments 3

[Info :ChebsNecromancy.Patches.CharacterDrop_Patches] items dropped is true [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:53: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:53: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:40:53: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:07: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$jc_uncut_yellow_stone

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:08: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newtrophy:$item_trophy_greydwarf

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:08: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newmaterial:$item_greydwarfeye

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:08: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_pukeberries

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:15: Setting forced environment Crypt

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:18: Stopped music blackforest at 4002162

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:18: Starting music forestcrypt

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:18: Unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:39: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:39: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:39: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:41:59: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_mushroomyellow

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:50: Starting respawn

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:50: tip:$loadscreen_tip17

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:51: Stopped music forestcrypt at 4106591

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:58: Found bed at custom spawn point

[Info : Unity Log] id 0 [Info : Unity Log] name ... [Info :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 2 custom skills [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:58: Setting forced environment

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:58: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:58: Starting music forestcrypt

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:42:58: Resumed music forestcrypt at 4106591

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:01: Stopped music forestcrypt at 4233598

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:01: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:01: Resumed music home at 7194296

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:08: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:08: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:08: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:09: Stopped music home at 7549918

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:09: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:09: Resumed music meadows at 6862467

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers looking for cookable [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers missing cookable in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 10 RawMeat, taking one [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:15: Stopped music meadows at 7135298

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:15: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:15: Resumed music home at 7549918

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:42: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:42: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:43: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:43: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:47: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:48: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/2 Raw Pork in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 15 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 2 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 15 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 2/2 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/1 $salt_name in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 1 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 2 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 1 $salt_name [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 1/1 $salt_name [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough $salt_name [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:51: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:54: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:57: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$meat_skewer_name

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/1 Raw Pork in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 13 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 1 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 13 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 1/1 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:57: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:43:59: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:44:03: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:44:03: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/1 Raw Pork in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 12 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 1 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 12 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 1/1 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:44:07: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/1 Raw Pork in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 11 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container has a total items count of 1 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got stack of 11 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers total amount is now 1/1 Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Got enough, breaking [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Saving container [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Setting inventory changed [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers consumed enough Raw Pork [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:44:09: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:44:10: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:45:51: Update PlayFab entity token

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:47:49: Stopped music home at 3316630

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:47:49: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:47:49: Resumed music home at 3316630

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:48:33: Starting music evening

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:48:34: Stopped music home at 5336527

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:14: Is mine

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:14: is current spawnpoint

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:14: exporeusre check 1 True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:14: Ignoring 2 colliders

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:19: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:20: client got location icons

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:20: Icons:2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:20: Minimap: Adding unique location (8945.6, 18030.0, 1544.5)

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:21: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:21: Resumed music home at 5336527

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:26: Uncompressed size 8388887

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:27: Compressed size 8868

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:27: Considering autobackup. World time: 2488.62, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:27: Time to overwrite our last autobackup

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:27: Replacing backup file: C:\Users\kigii\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\characters_local\kigid_backup_auto-20230123223738.fch

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:27: Saving backup at: C:\Users\kigii\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\characters_local\kigid_backup_auto-20230405124927.fch

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:32: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:32: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:32: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:34: Stopped music home at 5916059

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:34: Starting music morning

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Dungeon loaded 37

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Dungeon load time 19.0034 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Dungeon loaded 20

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Dungeon load time 10.0016 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Dungeon loaded 28

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:41: Dungeon load time 16.5028 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:51: Force generaeting hmap (128.0, 0.0, -576.0)

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:49:51: Force generaeting hmap (128.0, 0.0, -512.0)

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:08: Starting music blackforest

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:09: Setting forced environment Crypt

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:12: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:13: Stopped music blackforest at 213561

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:13: Starting music forestcrypt

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:13: Resumed music forestcrypt at 4233598

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:18: Grave should fit in inventory, loot all

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:50:18: Player 722381990 wants to takeall from Player_tombstone(Clone) im: 722381990

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:08: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:08: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:08: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:17: Setting forced environment

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:20: Stopped music forestcrypt at 7197117

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:20: Starting music blackforest

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:20: Resumed music blackforest at 213561

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:21: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:21: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:21: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:37: Setting location music as played

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:57: Stopped music blackforest at 1853375

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:51:57: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:02: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:02: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:02: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:03: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:03: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:03: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:07: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:07: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:07: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:27: Stopped music meadows at 1337817

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:28: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:28: Resumed music meadows at 1337817

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:35: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:35: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:35: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:50: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:51: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:51: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:57: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:57: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:52:57: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:00: Setting selected recipe 6

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:01: Setting selected recipe 7

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:15: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:18: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:20: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:25: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:34: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:37: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:43: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:44: Spawned Boar x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:53:51: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:03: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:13: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:14: Spawned Neck x 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:23: HIT Weakspot:WEAKSPOT_HEAD

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:23: client got keys 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newmaterial:$item_trollhide

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_chest_trollleather_t0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_legs_trollleather_t0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_chest_rags_t1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:Leather Quiver

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newpiece:$piece_reforger_ext1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:26: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newtrophy:$item_trophy_troll

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:36: Setting selected recipe 7

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:36: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:36: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:42: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:42: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:50: Setting selected recipe 7

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:50: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:50: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:56: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:56: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:57: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:57: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:57: Stopped music meadows at 7937528

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:57: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:57: Resumed music home at 5916059

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:54:58: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:00: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:03: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:05: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:06: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:07: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:09: Setting selected recipe 13

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:15: Stopped music home at 6715738

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:15: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:15: Resumed music meadows at 7937528

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:32: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:32: Dungeon loaded 20

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:55:32: Dungeon load time 11.5029 ms

[Info :ChebsNecromancy] Read updated config values [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:04: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:04: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:04: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:05: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:06: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:06: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:07: Setting selected recipe 0

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:17: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:17: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:17: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:20: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:20: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:20: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:24: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:24: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:24: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:31: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:31: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:58:31: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:59:45: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.InputManager] Registering 18 custom inputs [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:59:46: Current res 1920x1080 1920x1080

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:59:46: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 12:59:58: Binding key AutoPickup

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.InputManager] Registering 18 custom inputs [Info : Unity Log] 1ST FOV:85 [Info : Unity Log] 3RD FOV:65 [Info : Unity Log] bowzoomON:False [Info : Unity Log] bowzoomFOV:65 [Info : Unity Log] bowzoomSpeed:2 [Info : Unity Log] smoothCam: False [Info : Unity Log] FPVmouseSensitivityON: False [Info : Unity Log] FPVmouseSensitivity: 1 [Info : Unity Log] LvlUpMove: False [Info : Unity Log] slightlyTaller: False [Info : Unity Log] DamageText_delay: 1 [Info : Unity Log] DamageText_size: 28 [Info : Unity Log] nearClipMin: 0.1 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:01: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:01: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:02: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:21: Spawned Neck x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:53: Spawned Neck x 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:56: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:00:56: Found selected Continue

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:02: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:02: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:02: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:05: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:05: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:05: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:10: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:10: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:10: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:18: Setting forced environment Crypt

[Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Message:Terraheim.Log] [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:28: Setting forced environment

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:29: Stopped music meadows at 5007074

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:29: Starting music forestcrypt

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:29: Stopped music forestcrypt at 1881

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:29: Starting music meadows

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:29: Resumed music meadows at 5007074

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:40: Loading dungeon

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:40: Dungeon loaded 37

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:01:40: Dungeon load time 20.0034 ms

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:11: Setting selected recipe 13

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:11: Setting selected recipe 13

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:11: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:11: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:12: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:12: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:12: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:14: Setting selected recipe 3

[Error : Unity Log] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:27: Stopped music meadows at 7549115

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:02:27: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:03:28: Update PlayFab entity token

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:41: Setting selected recipe 13

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:41: Setting selected recipe 13

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:41: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:41: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:42: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:43: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:44: Setting selected recipe 14

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:46: Setting selected recipe 15

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:47: Setting selected recipe 14

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:48: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:50: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:53: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_arrow_fire

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/8 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/8 $item_resin in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/2 $item_feathers in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:53: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:54: Setting selected recipe 12

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:56: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_shield_wood

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/10 $item_wood in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/4 $item_resin in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/4 $item_leatherscraps in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:56: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:05:58: Setting selected recipe 6

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:01: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newitem:$item_legs_rags

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:01: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newrecipe:$item_legs_rags_t1

[Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers have 0/5 $item_leatherscraps in player inventory [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.4, 35.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (386.5, 34.4, -514.5) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.0, 35.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (387.1, 34.4, -515.1) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] CraftFromContainers Container at (388.4, 34.4, -507.3) has 0 [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:01: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:02: Queue unlock msg:$msg_newstation_level:$piece_workbench $msg_level 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:08: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:08: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:09: Poison damage: 10 ttl:4.162278 hits:4 dmg perhit:2.5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:09: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:10: Poison damage: 10 ttl:4.162278 hits:4 dmg perhit:2.5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:11: Poison damage: 10 ttl:4.162278 hits:4 dmg perhit:2.5

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:11: Disabling PlayerBase character_trigger

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:11: Disabling attach item

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:13: Valid True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:13: On death False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:15: Stopped music home at 1908098

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:15: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:15: Resumed music home at 1908098

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:19: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:19: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:19: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:19: UI Group status changed QuickSlotGrid = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:21: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:38: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:43: Setting selected recipe 2

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:48: Setting selected recipe 3

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:51: Setting selected recipe 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:06:53: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:07:58: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:09:40: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:09:40: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:09:40: adding Honey 1

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:10:18: Setting selected recipe 0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:10:18: UI Group status changed root = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:10:18: UI Group status changed Player = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:10:27: Starting music evening

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:10:28: Stopped music home at 4944215

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:14: Starting music home

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:14: Resumed music home at 4944215

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:21: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.InputManager] Registering 18 custom inputs [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:22: Current res 1920x1080 1920x1080

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:22: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = False

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.InputManager] Registering 18 custom inputs [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:24: Current res 1920x1080 1920x1080

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:24: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:11:24: Found selected Settings

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:39: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:41: Is mine

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:41: is current spawnpoint

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:41: exporeusre check 1 True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:41: Ignoring 2 colliders

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:47: Unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:54: Uncompressed size 8388848

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:54: Compressed size 8841

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:54: Considering autobackup. World time: 4134.66, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:16:54: No autobackup needed yet...

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:00: Starting music morning

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:01: Stopped music home at 3939752

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:13: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:13: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:15: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:17: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:17: Found selected Continue

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:17: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = False

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Shuting down

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Uncompressed size 8388848

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Compressed size 8841

[Info : Unity Log] saving started [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Considering autobackup. World time: 4158.44, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: No autobackup needed yet...

[Info : Unity Log] saving finished [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: ZNet Shutdown

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Unloading unused assets

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Sending disconnect msg

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Sent to 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Released session ticket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Disposing socket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Closing socket 90171106868030471

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: send queue size:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Last socket, unregistering callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Disposing socket

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Last socket, unregistering callback

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:18: Found selected Button_yes

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: ZNet OnDestroy

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: Net scene destroyed

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu). [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: Steam initialized, persona:Kigid

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198041065785"

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: Using default prefs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: Valheim version:0.214.305

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 6 commands to the Console [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:21: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:22: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:22: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:22: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_Awake_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:23: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:24: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:24: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:24: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:24: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:24: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 327 custom items to the ObjectDB [Info : Unity Log] ObjectDB_CopyOtherDB_Patch ran [Info : Unity Log] [RecipeHandler] Added recipe: Recipe_RuneFocus [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_LeatherQuiver [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_ArrowWoodAnywhere [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FireArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_PoisonArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_SilverArrowTransform [Info : Unity Log] [PrefabCreator] Added recipe: Recipe_FrostArrowTransform [Info :Valharvest.Scripts.BoneAppetitBalance] SeagullEgg Loaded. [Info :Valharvest.Main] Load Complete. [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:25: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:25: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:25: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:25: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:26: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:26: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info : Unity Log] id 0 [Info : Unity Log] name [Info :Jotunn.Managers.SkillManager] Registering 2 custom skills [Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:26: Starting music menu

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:26: UI Group status changed Menu = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:27: UI Group status changed Menu = True

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:40: Ticket is System.Byte[] of length 369

[Info : Unity Log] 04/05/2023 13:17:40: Session auth respons callback