jpw1991 / chebs-necromancy

Cheb's Necromancy adds Necromancy to Valheim via craftable wands and structures. Minions will follow you, guard your base, and perform menial tasks.
The Unlicense
10 stars 4 forks source link

potential optimization for pylons #186

Open jpw1991 opened 1 year ago

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

Pfhoenix — Today at 5:12 PM what I'm thinking is Containers and CraftingStations doing an area check every few minutes on offset scheduling as well as on Start then CraftingStations have a Dictionary<string,Dictionary<CraftingStation,int>> first dictionary maps material name to a map of CraftingStations and material counts and instead of relying on Container.Changed, add an event callback within Container for all CraftingStations nearby and then patch AddItem/RemoveItem to monitor item changes none of this per-frame checking nonsense Cheb Gonaz — Today at 5:38 PM That's a good idea I'll file that away Thanks Pfhoenix