jpw1991 / chebs-necromancy

Cheb's Necromancy adds Necromancy to Valheim via craftable wands and structures. Minions will follow you, guard your base, and perform menial tasks.
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Skeleton Archers Don't Drop Materials When Exploded #224

Closed Zeinath closed 11 months ago

Zeinath commented 1 year ago


With config set to drop everything, tested with the drop to container enabled and disabled, when a skeleton archer (fire) dies or get whacked with the wand, they explode in the death animation, but no resources appear to be dropped in any form.

Attachments Checklist



(Lol, just tack a .txt on the end and it uploads just fine. :D )

To Reproduce (if applicable)

Steps to reproduce the bug. For example:

  1. Summon skeleton fire archer.
  2. Skeleton blows up (via death from mob or wand smack)
  3. Nothing drops.

Expected behaviour (if applicable)

When skeleton blows up, it should either drop the loot it was crafted with, or it should drop a crate that contains said items, but nothing appears.

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

(Lol, just tack a .txt on the end and it uploads just fine. :D )

100% true, but for people who use Windows and have their file extensions hidden, trying to explain this to them is a true hell lol. So I gave up...

Thanks I'll look at your stuff

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Honestly, I forgot that Windows defaults to hiding extensions... or 'hidden files' for that matter, LOL.

I have a lot of mods going, but no errors currently, which is awesome. The following is the only thing that pops up in the log when I killed the skelly.

'[Info : Unity Log] 06/26/2023 18:52:17: On death False'

Also, just fyi, there's a mod called 'Pet Protect' that I grabbed to keep my tames from kicking the bucket randomly, which causes the skeletons to just stand there, unable to be interacted with besides hitting with a wand and booming them when they've been killed. I removed that mod, and the issue with the lack of drops is persisting. I tried with both the 'drop to crate' setting on and off to see if it was the crate not spawning that was the issue, but they simply drop nothing when booped.

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

Are you sure that the materials dropped aren't being added to an existing crate?

When a creature dies, it checks if there is a crate nearby. If there is, it checks if the crate has room. If it does, it puts the stuff into that existing crate. Otherwise if there is no room, or there is no crate, a new crate is spawned.

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Huh... I was standing next to a tower that likely has a chest in it, will check that really quick. Curious though... with that option disabled, shouldn't the items simply drop on the ground like a normal killed mob?

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

Curious though... with that option disabled, shouldn't the items simply drop on the ground like a normal killed mob?

Yes, correct. If off, it should behave like vanilla. Are all undead affected or just the archers?

Edit: just checked that part of your log and yes, yours is off. So there should be no crates at all and it should drop normally.

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

There was a message next to the 'On death false' each time one of them died that was from the Craft From Containers mod. I disabled it, reloaded my client, and the message from that mod is gone, but they still aren't dropping anything when killed, no crate spawning, and nothing going into either my inventory nor the chest just a few steps away.

Edit: And yes, the warriors appear to be affected as well.

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Correction, just checked again, Warrior did drop a single bone shard on the ground when smacked with wand to kill.

Side question, are they not meant to follow you through portals when following?

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

disabled it, reloaded my client, and the message from that mod is gone, but they still aren't dropping anything when killed, no crate spawning, and nothing going into either my inventory nor the chest just a few steps away.

Plz gimme 15 mins to test this and get back to ya. If it works for me, it's probably interference from another mod. But I don't know which one it could be.

Side question, are they not meant to follow you through portals when following?

I decided to offload this work to another mod called Teleport Everything, since they already did all the hard work of teleporting creatures and stuff.

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Only mod on my giant list that has anything to do with changes to loot, I believe, is EpicLoot... everything else either messes with the UI, or adds recipes.

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

It seems to work just fine for me. Here's a video I made so you can see the iron bar dropping after the skeleton is destroyed.

On a test server, with a character you don't care about, try turning mods off one by one until it works. Then we'll know which mod is responsible and maybe I can implement some kind of compatibility fix

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Hrm... is it just a chance of some of the materials dropping? Not everything that was used to create them?

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

Yes. This is another configurable thing because some people want everything back from a minion, while others want nothing or only the upgrade materials.

So there's the DropOnDeath config option that accepts three different values:

When it comes to JustResources and a skeleton archer, the arrows won't be returned. For that, you need to set it to Everything and then it should return the bones, the arrows, and the ingot (if it has armor).

[UndeadMinion (Server Synced)]
## Whether minions refund resources when they dies.
# Setting type: DropType
# Default value: JustResources
# Acceptable values: Nothing, JustResources, Everything
DropOnDeath = JustResources

Edit: While testing these options, I did find a bug though: With a value of Everything, despite the skeleton costing 6 bones and 10 arrows to make, it was only dropping 1 bone and 1 arrow on death. So I think somehow the quantity got lost. I gotta check that

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Ok, so from your edit, it seems I'm not crazy? I'm getting console unlocked and going to enable debug and all that here in a sec to do more testing that won't be so loss filled. Will let you know if I see anything different with bigger test groups, and maybe putting armor on them (which I couldn't afford to waste resources for, playing solo, friends don't like the game anymore sadly, lol)

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

Sure, thanks. If you want to play with people, you have perfect timing because we're just starting up a server. Like, we've set up the mods and the config and it's going live in an hour or two. You're welcome to join us. Please join the discord if you're interested and I'll fill you in

Zeinath commented 1 year ago

Just did a bunch of spawning and killing, with only this mod enabled, and yeah, seems when on the 'Everything' setting, it's only dropping one of each for the warriors in armor, and not always a bone fragment for the archers without armor.

jpw1991 commented 1 year ago

Ok I'll do some debugging and fix it sometime. Thanks for testing & finding the problem

jpw1991 commented 11 months ago

@Zeinath fixed in 3.6.2