jpwrobinson / grazing-gradients

Collaborative OS project on herbivore grazing gradients.
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Introduction scheming #19

Open jpwrobinson opened 5 years ago

jpwrobinson commented 5 years ago

Plan is to brainstorm the introduction sections and talking points, then James to flesh out into a first draft.

Para 1

etc etc

jpwrobinson commented 5 years ago

Meeting Monday 11am ok for folk? @Jeneen @JanDajka

Jeneen commented 5 years ago

Yes Sir

JanDajka commented 5 years ago


jpwrobinson commented 5 years ago

Booked B45, 11am yeeha.

jpwrobinson commented 5 years ago

Nice introduction scheming today y'all. I think we spooned a lot of ideas in there. @Jeneen can you upload the whiteboard pic in a comment here?

If I remember correctly, we're going for something like this:

  1. Ecosystem functions in context of changing structure and state of ecosystems

  2. Coral reefs as model system, where grazing is a key process:

    • explain FGs (Green & Bellwood 2009)
    • explain why grazing is particularly important for reefs (phase shifts), highlighting small-scale experimental work on function/bite rates (mostly GBR) (Mumby, Fox, Bellwood, Hoey)
  3. At larger scales, we use biomass as proxy for function: benthic and habitat effects on biomass

    • correlative studies (Heenan et al. 2015, Edwards et al. 2014)
    • although this has been applied to scraper function & linked to fishing (Bellwood, Hughes papers), grazing + browsing unclear
  4. Is biomass a good proxy for function?

    • benthic change and fishing can change herbivore community structure - implication for function
    • idea of benthos + fishing decoupling biomass and function
    • future reef states = degraded, algal dominated, more fishing: can we predict future grazer functions?
  5. "Here, we..." do THIS with THAT to show SOMETHING

    • hypotheses/questions
    • UVC dataset (why it is perfect for these research questions)

I'll write a draft and send it around to everyone. Put any suggestions for reordering/cutting/adding content in here and I'll bring them in.

Jeneen commented 5 years ago


JanDajka commented 5 years ago

Lovely hand writing.

jpwrobinson commented 5 years ago

Alright folks I've got a first draft ready, minus the first paragraph on general function stuff. This is the first time I've tried writing a full manuscript through git and Rmd so we're in uncharted territory re: comments and editing things.

I suggest everyone edits whatever they feel like - the full file history is kept in git. Any broader discussions about content and points we should cut/add, or references I've missed could go in this Issue stream. Let's see how it goes!

jpwrobinson commented 5 years ago

Actually scrap that. Let's just edit whatever you think needs editing - I can track the changes in the commit history.

If you want to add comments, insert this into the Rmd

<!-- comments go here -->

This is an HTML comment which will not appear in the final rendered document, but does in the raw .Rmd. I can then pull the most important comments into this issue thread and we can discuss in a meeting.

JanDajka commented 5 years ago

Sweet, sounds good!