A Python application designed to automate the process of sending WhatsApp messages through pywhatkit. It allows you to send messages to both individual contacts and groups. You can run it interactively through the console or directly pass arguments via command-line for automation.
When I install this package, Windows warns me:
ERROR: Error [WinError 225] No se pudo completar la operación porque el archivo contiene un virus o software potencialmente no deseado while executing command python setup.py egg_info
Translated into English:
This operation could not be completed because the file contains a virus or potentially not desired software while....
When I install this package, Windows warns me: ERROR: Error [WinError 225] No se pudo completar la operación porque el archivo contiene un virus o software potencialmente no deseado while executing command python setup.py egg_info
Translated into English: This operation could not be completed because the file contains a virus or potentially not desired software while....
What's wrong?