We like to accommodate the resumption of a session under many conditions, but
this one in particular is rather troubling. It seems when the operating system
is starved of memory (perhaps our fault -- because IPC buffer data has not been
freed?), the IPC data is first to trim-out; what we do is simply call for a
disconnect, using the UnPicklingError as the reason.
session.py:386 File "x84/bbs/session.py", line 631, in read_events
session.py:386 event, data = self.reader.recv()
session.py:386 UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '^R'.
session.py:339 resume main after general exception in logoff
session.py:386 File "x84/bbs/session.py", line 631, in read_events
session.py:386 event, data = self.reader.recv()
session.py:386 anonymous[telnet-] MemoryError
session.py:339 stop after general exception in main
terminal.py:279 goodbye: client exit
We like to accommodate the resumption of a session under many conditions, but this one in particular is rather troubling. It seems when the operating system is starved of memory (perhaps our fault -- because IPC buffer data has not been freed?), the IPC data is first to trim-out; what we do is simply call for a disconnect, using the UnPicklingError as the reason.