I am trying to have my own custom addInputTypes() for radio button. I created my own custom component. I notice the value is always set to value="on" for some reason. How can I directly pass in value to my custom component?
// Attaching my custom ReactFormalRadio to addInputTypes()
I am trying to have my own custom addInputTypes() for radio button. I created my own custom component. I notice the value is always set to value="on" for some reason. How can I directly pass in value to my custom component?
// Attaching my custom ReactFormalRadio to addInputTypes()
Form.addInputTypes('radio', ReactFormalRadio)
// Defining <Form.Fields
<Form.Field name="name.favorite_fruit" type="radio" value="1" />
// ReactFormalRadio
` @flow / import * as React from 'react';
type PropsType = { value: string | number, name: string, onChange: (any) => mixed, selectedValue: string | number, };
export default class ReactFormalRadio extends React.PureComponent {
static defaultProps = {
value: '',
constructor(props: PropsType) { super(props); this.handleOnChange = this.handleOnChange.bind(this); }
handleOnChange(e: Event) { console.log('ReactFormalRadio onChange', e.target.value); this.props.onChange(1); }
handleOnChange: (any) => mixed;
render(): React.Node { const optional = {checked: false};
} }`