jquery-archive / css-chassis

An attempt at creating an open standard for both CSS and JavaScript UI libraries.
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Add Automated Accessibility Testing #99

Open sfrisk opened 9 years ago

sfrisk commented 9 years ago

Add automated testing to grunt that would take into account accessibility testing.

sfrisk commented 8 years ago

Ties in with #68, but I think we should also have a larger range of accessibility testing.

dylanb commented 8 years ago

@sfrisk I would like to help with this task and have tried to look at the test pages. I have followed the getting started guide and am having trouble generating the test pages. Can you give me an example URL that works http://localhost:4200/framework/...

geekman-rohit commented 8 years ago

@dylanb The pages are generated on the fly,( you are talking about our current perf testing I guess? If so do you get any error when you do npm install or grunt perf)

dylanb commented 8 years ago

ok, I was not aware that the test pages required the perf setup...so when you talk about accessibility testing, what would you want to test?

sfrisk commented 8 years ago

It sounds like you're trying to access some of the performance testing pages, which we use to test the performance of different css frameworks, with the end goal of comparing them to Chassis in the future. The automated accessibility testing would be part of grunt test to test the css that is generated by running grunt build and the html files found in the demo folder.

arschmitz commented 8 years ago

@dylanb some clarification the test pages for perf are not what would be tested. We will test the demos the perf stuff is for comparing other frameworks.

dylanb commented 8 years ago

ok, thanks, so these would kindof be integration tests - load the pages in a browser and test for accessibility of the css applied to the demo HTML?

sfrisk commented 8 years ago

We're actually going to be discussing the exact requirements we want for accessibility testing at today's meeting. It will be in #jquery-meeting at 1pm ET on IRC. We would love to have you join in on the discussion if you're interested in this!

dylanb commented 8 years ago

I have a prior engagement but if you keep this issue updated, I will contribute if I can

sfrisk commented 8 years ago

Will do!

arschmitz commented 8 years ago

@dylanb Good to see you around this neck of the jQuery woods. This is something thats been on my todo for quite a while and i just have not been able to make time yet. So I would love to talk to you about what you had in mind / I had been looking at and offer help to get this implemented here.

dylanb commented 8 years ago

@arschmitz I have been lurking on this project since it was created :-) I did not have specific thoughts yet but was reacting to the issue being created... That being said, I would like to see how we can leverage https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core in this project and also whether we can identify needs not yet met by that library that would provide useful a11y checks for CSS - either in the demos OR on other artifacts.

One idea is to perhaps leverage postCSS to do CSS accessibility checking but being a lurker here, I am not sure how that fits or does not fit into the philosophy of this project.

arschmitz commented 8 years ago

@dylanb We are pretty open to anything we can integrate into our CI i had looked at a few existing grunt plugins when i started this quite some time ago, i would have to find the list again. I have looked at axe-core also but not tried it looks cool and i'm totally open to starting with that we would just need to write a grunt task for it if you don't have one already which should be pretty trivial looking at axe-core quickly