jquery-archive / jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile Framework
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Theme looking like iphone or in other "native" devices #1097

Closed muras closed 13 years ago

muras commented 13 years ago

Please create themes looking like in native devices like: iphone, android, blackberry etc.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

This isn't a goal of the framework. Just like you don't build web apps to look like the client's OS, we don't want do that here. If you're building a native app via phonegap, I can see the desire but that won't be something the core framework will provide.

Maybe someone will create a theme you can use for this purpose!

muras commented 13 years ago

Ok but why this can't be a one of the frameworks goal? On the market you have many frameworks working like that e.g. "jqtouch". I would like to move completely to jquery mobile. Without good themes it will not fit any business requirements. One project need "standard" look and feel other should imitate native look and feel. I think that providing a lot of good themes (both standard and looking like native) will be very attractive to the end user and encourage to use jquery mobile framework.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Our goal is to provide a lightweight UI toolkit for all popular mobile platforms that works for sites and apps in a web browser and secondarily, as apps through tools like PhoneGap. I'm just saying that we won't be investing development effort on building themes that match each popular mobile OS. I'm sure someone will pull that together and we'll promote the themes as they become available, but it's not a priority for us to work on ourselves at this time. The biggest issue I see is that even with a native looking theme, the mobile UI won't look or behave 100% native so you'll be in the "uncanny valley" where it's almost right, but feels a bit off. You can have a successful app, like Netflix, that doesn't feel native but is nice to use because it is highly branded and that's probably more important and a strength of our approach for mobile apps.