jquery-archive / jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile Framework
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Other, unformatted DIV contents being displayed below the scroll. #288

Closed Martinator closed 13 years ago

Martinator commented 13 years ago

This may be because I am looking at this through a browser (Chrome 6.0.472.63, FifeFox 3.6.4) but when I load my (shorter that 480px page [see issue #59 - http://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues#issue/59]) I get a scroll bar.

When I scroll down, I see the unformatted contents of another hidden div.

Initial Screen: http://martinator.com/mobile/defects/scroll-01.png

After I scroll down: http://martinator.com/mobile/defects/scroll-02.png

Oddly enough, this only occurs on initial load. When I click on "About" or the Icon Button next to "Your Inseam", and then go back to the initial screen, I no longer have this issue.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Can you confirm that this is still an issue with the latest build? We did a lot of re-factoring. http://jquerymobile.com/test/