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Text fields moving off-screen when selected in Android #292

Closed mattg closed 13 years ago

mattg commented 13 years ago

When I tap on a text (or password) field in the alpha demo, the field moves off the screen when the on-screen keyboard appears.

This is happening on an HTC Incredible running the latest official release of Froyo (Sense UI, of course). I haven't tried to replicate on another phone or in an emulator.

Nianwei commented 13 years ago

Nexus One 2.2.1 too.

jalpino commented 13 years ago

This is also happening on the HTC EVO {Android 2.2, WebKit 3.1}.

toranaga commented 13 years ago

The same for HTC Desire {Andrioid 2.2, WebKit 3.1}

davepenfold commented 13 years ago

I've narrowed the problem down to the -webkit-backface-visibility property on .ui-page (jquery.mobile.core.css). Removing this property seems to fix the issue.

I'm not sure what the purpose of this property is on .ui-page so hopefully someone else can look into it and apply an appropriate patch.

Hope this helps!

toddparker commented 13 years ago

hmmm...this was added to help with animation smoothness on page transitions. we'll have to look into this.


scottjehl commented 13 years ago

It looks like we'll be removing the backface visibility rule now, as it causes performance problems with scrolling. Once that change is committed, we'll need to retest this issue to make sure it's no longer occurring.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Just tested the latest with backface visibility rule removed on Android 1.6, 2.1 and 2.2 and the text inputs aren't jumping around anymore. Thanks all for your help in tracking this down.