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Swipeable Pages Widget (à la Sencha Touch Carousel) #296

Closed victorhooi closed 13 years ago

victorhooi commented 13 years ago


The Sencha Touch toolkit provides a "carousel" widget, which basically lets you swipe vertical (or horizontally) between different screens.

This also appears to be a fairly common paradigm on new touch interfaces.

There was a JQuery Mobile forum post asking about it here:


And an example of it, on Sencha Touch here, under User Interfaces, Carousel


It would be truly awesome if something like this could be implemented on JQuery Mobile.

Cheers, Victor

receptor commented 13 years ago

i guess i wanted the same here: http://forum.jquery.com/topic/swipe-card-layout

kurteknikk commented 13 years ago

Yeah agree with both this is a must have for touch interfaces !

We have swipe & transition, maybe with some modifications to the changePage logic (obviously it will be a seperate function form changePage) but i think we'll be very close...

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Closing and moving to the feature requests page for post-1.0: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/wiki/Feature-Requests