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Buttons inside a PopUp interfere with Selectors below it #4791

Closed dotch closed 11 years ago

dotch commented 11 years ago

The Selectors below a PopUp are triggered even though they are hidden by a popup right above them. Tested on Android 2.2.1

toddparker commented 11 years ago

@dotch - can you create a test page on jsbin that illustrates this issue? Template: http://jsbin.com/iqefex/1/edit

To save, hit the JSBin button, choose Add Milestone and paste the link back here.

dotch commented 11 years ago

http://jsbin.com/iqefex/6 but its only causing problems in android 2.2.1 on a galaxy ace.

toddparker commented 11 years ago

@dotch - Thanks so much for the test page. I just tested your bin on a Droid running 2.2.20.A955 and I was able to use all the select menus, check and uncheck the items in the popup by clicking on the label or check graphic. Is there a specific sequence of events I need to follow to reproduce?

dotch commented 11 years ago

there is no special procedure required to generate the error on my 2.2.1 device, it is also not random, but happens every time.

toddparker commented 11 years ago

@dotch - I don't doubt that you're seeing a real issue, I just can't seem to reproduce on my phone. But I'm running 2.2.2 so there could be a bug in 2.2.1 that Google fixed or a customization that Samsung made (you'd be shocked how often that causes us issues).

If you have time to hack around and see if you can help us figure out what's causing the issue (CSS or JS), we'd be happy to work with you on this.

gabrielschulhof commented 11 years ago


OK, lemme get this straight: When you click on a button inside a popup, the click is propagated to buttons below the popup?

gabrielschulhof commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this on my Android 2.2 emulation ☹

dotch commented 11 years ago

No, only to selectors below it and only on a 2.2.1 galaxy ace which makes it hard for me to investigate this further because I don't have one permanently. But I tested the sample code, which I provided here with that device and it definitely happens with this code all the time.

Am 13.08.2012 um 08:48 schrieb "Gabriel |Nix| Schulhof" notifications@github.com:


OK, lemme get this straight: When you click on a button inside a popup, the click is propagated to buttons below the popup?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

dotch commented 11 years ago

For me this single phone was the only way to reproduce this behavior. Maybe someone has access to this device and can confirm. If not, just ignore this for now, since it seems to be a strange individual case.

Am 13.08.2012 um 09:37 schrieb "Gabriel |Nix| Schulhof" notifications@github.com:

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this on my Android 2.2 emulation ☹

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

toddparker commented 11 years ago

I think I'm going to close this issue since it's not something we reproduce on any of our Android devices. It could be a real bug, but it seems to be some specific hardware + android version thing that we can't reproduce.