jquery-archive / jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile Framework
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changePage stops working after a while #5517

Closed digaoddc closed 11 years ago

digaoddc commented 11 years ago

I have single page templates, the first page changes are normal. After a while, it simples get stuck in a page and can't go to any other. Lets say I go from page 'mention' to 'mentions' several times, and suddenly throws "Failed to load resource".

Look at the data-url that appears in the page loaded via ajax: dataurl="/Users/SambaDesign3/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.0/Applications/695E4FC5-113C-49BB-90C9-0E2389602BFC/myapp.app/www/mention.html"

In the test page does not happen, but in my case the changePage just stop working. It can't be reproduce properly in the test page because the real issue is on single page templates .

Tested on iphone 4. Using jQuery 1.8.2 , JQM 1.2 and phonegap

Test Page: http://jsbin.com/uyakox/3

arschmitz commented 11 years ago

Please see our contributing guidelines https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md please provide a simple jsBin test page and the browser and version you are using

digaoddc commented 11 years ago

Fixed by adding the same value as id to data-url on each page .

seguinj commented 11 years ago

Can you provide an example specifically on how you've addressed this issue? Thanks!