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Android 2.2 - Form Page Scrolls When Entering Text in TextField #638

Closed denmayer closed 13 years ago

denmayer commented 13 years ago

Using Android 2.2, I have a page with several form fields on it. When I click on a text field and enter text, the whole page starts to scroll down to the bottom. Once the scroll hits the bottom of the page and you keep typing, the page begins to scroll up. It is impossible to see what your typing.

jblas commented 13 years ago

Hi denmayer,

Do you have a sample url we can use to reproduce the problem?

denmayer commented 13 years ago

I figured out the problem. I was referencing the jquery alpha 1 css file (jquery.mobile-1.0a1.min.css) while using the jquery alpha 2 js file (jquery.mobile-1.0a2.min.js).

When I changed the css file to the alpha 2 version the scrolling stopped.

Here is the code used to reproduce:

<!DOCTYPE html>

New Task

New Task

Task List Home

task list 2010