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Select box is extremely slow in iOS safari #671

Closed 007pig closed 13 years ago

007pig commented 13 years ago

I created a select with days (1-31) and I found that it's extremely slow to load and perform actions.

mikeymckay commented 13 years ago

Select boxes are also very slow on Android

toddparker commented 13 years ago

We've been cleaning up the select code, is this any faster: http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/forms/forms-selects.html

We're considering adding a data option to use the custom styled button for feedback but simply trigger a click on the native select so it's used for the menu. Would that be a good option?

davibe commented 13 years ago

it's not any faster (referring to that url)

adammessinger commented 13 years ago

In answer to Todd's question about native selects with a custom appearance, I think that would be a great option to have. Most of the mobile browsers I've used to date have a relatively intuitive built-in approach to select menus which will be familiar to users (and, importantly, fast).

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Done. John Bender just landed a fix to let people opt-out of the custom select menu and just use the native menu, while preserving the styled select button. Just add data-native="true" to your select. This is much faster but there are a few limitations.

Demo and docs here: http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/forms/forms-selects.html

davibe commented 13 years ago

It has problems on firefox4.

Works great on safari / iPhone