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Integration with Adobe SPRY and PhoneGap #739

Closed matthewadavid closed 13 years ago

matthewadavid commented 13 years ago

I have developed an app that uses Adobe's SPRY to load data into a page. The page is then compiled into an iOS app using PhoneGap. What I am finding is that the app does not function correctly on the iOS device (works great when you test is locally in Xcode).

toddparker commented 13 years ago

I'm not sure this is an issue we can track here, but we understand it's an important scenario. If you narrow this down to one or more specific bugs (ideally with suggested fixes) that we could address, please log those as individual issues.

matthewadavid commented 13 years ago

No worries, got it working. It was the order of loading the frameworks that was causing the issue (slaps palm against forehead). Thanks for checking into this.