jquery-archive / jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile Framework
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Build: Use postcss autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes #8500

Open jaspermdegroot opened 7 years ago

jaspermdegroot commented 7 years ago


Once the browserslist has been reviewed I want to do a final comparison with the structure CSS file from master (build).

jaspermdegroot commented 7 years ago

I forgot to refer to the ticket in my commit message... https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8246

jaspermdegroot commented 7 years ago

The ui-toolbar-fixed-hidden test didn't fail when I ran the tests locally. I will look into this.

Bachstelze commented 5 years ago

The failing ui-toolbar-fixed-hidden test:

Message: The toolbar has the ui-toolbar-fixed-hidden class applied after hide Actual: "" Expected: "ui-toolbar-fixed-hidden"

Message: The toolbar does have the ui-toolbar-fixed-hidden class Actual: "" Expected: "ui-toolbar-fixed-hidden"

Further failing tests:

forms.select - firing a click at least 400ms later on the select screen closes it Message: null Actual: 0 Expected: 1

forms.select - dialog sized select menu opened many times remains a dialog Message: hash should have the dialog hash key Actual: false Expected: true

Non native menus - focus is transferred to a menu item when the menu is opened Message: item in open select menu (1) has focus Actual: false Expected: true

Non native menus - selected items are highlighted Message: previously selected item has the active button class Actual: "" Expected: "ui-button-active"

Callbacks: Event - Make sure callback is executed and is cleared by actual event Message: transition completed Actual: false Expected: true

Event Removal: event - Make sure no bindings remain after event Message: no animation bindings remain Actual: false Expected: true

jquery.mobile.navigation.js - ability to disable our hash change event listening globally Message: true = false disables default hashchange event handler Actual: false Expected: true

jquery.mobile.navigation.js - going back from a dialog triggered from a dialog should result in the first dialog Message: should be the first dialog Actual: <div id="nested-dialog-second" data-nstest-role="dialog" data-nstest-url="nested-dialog-second" tabindex="0" class="ui-page ui-page-dialog ui-page-theme-a ui-page-active pop out reverse" style="height: 301px;"></div> Expected: <div id="nested-dialog-first" data-nstest-role="dialog" data-nstest-url="nested-dialog-first" tabindex="0" class="ui-page ui-page-dialog ui-page-theme-a"></div>

jquery.mobile.navigation.js - loading a relative file path after an embedded page works Message: should be relative ajax loaded page Actual: undefined Expected: "for testing"

jquery.mobile.navigation.js - ability to disable our hash change event listening globally Message: true = false disables default hashchange event handler Actual: false Expected: true

jquery.mobile.navigation.js - loading a relative file path after an embedded page works Message: should be relative ajax loaded page Actual: undefined Expected: "for testing"

It will be not easy to reproduce them since we can't build anymore the master.