jquery-archive / jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile Framework
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Link attribute data-direction="reverse" doesn't work anymore #8622

Open HoangTrung opened 6 years ago

HoangTrung commented 6 years ago

I made the following link, but the transition doesn't work as expected any more. The weird thing is that it did work before. Please check <a data-transition="slide" data-direction="reverse" href="/home" class="ui-btn-text ui-btn-inline btn-back" title="Home"><span class="pe-7s-home"></span></a>

/! jQuery v1.11.3 /! jQuery Mobile 1.4.5

One more thing. The below button works correctly. <a href="#" data-rel="back" class="ui-btn-text ui-btn-inline btn-back" data-direction="reverse" title="Go back"><span class="pe-7s-angle-left"></span></a>