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jQuery Mobile Framework
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Loading dialog appears cut off at top #892

Closed pmdarrow closed 13 years ago

pmdarrow commented 13 years ago

Using a very recent copy of jQuery Mobile (cloned yesterday, SHA: c3ed538542dd9fdb4f476a053aa94142b9b7d76c) the loading dialog that shows when changing pages appears cut off at the top. Here's what it looks like in the iPhone simulator: http://i56.tinypic.com/1fkd4p.png.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

I've been seeing this too. We changed out logic to position the loader over the thing you clicked on to help browsers like WebOS that don't handle positioning well but I think this allows the loader to be positioned off the top of the screen if you click on something in the top of the page.

johnbender commented 13 years ago


Sounds like we need some edge detection added in there, I'll take a look.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Hi John - I think Scott was going to look at this and the native select menu issues because he has good test devices. On the loader, we switched to having it appear where you clicked because WebOS and other devices weren't positioning it right and it was off-screen but we've gotten feedback that vertically centered was better so he was going to try and figure out how to center it in good browsers and have it appear where you click in less capable ones.

Scott did a bunch of work on a plane ride yesterday so I'm not sure what he got done but I'd wait to see if he got around to this. Scott?

scottjehl commented 13 years ago

I'll take a look at this now. If scrollTop is supported, we can place the loader dead center, like a2. Otherwise, we'll have to use the current logic I think.

scottjehl commented 13 years ago

position loading message either center screen (if scrollTop supported), above active clicked button (if defined), or 100px off the top. Closed by 2f9d1bce3377ba5b6894f4ab0acbb2603945ab0d

vikaskanani commented 12 years ago

I got this issue in PhoneGap + BlackBerry 6.0 (9800 simulator, not checked on real device). It works on browser, but when I use PhoneGap, it appears on top.


toddparker commented 12 years ago

This is the expected behavior, even though it may not always be ideal. We had a lot of trouble accurately positioning the loader in the middle of the screen on BB because it doesn't reliably report the scroll offset so the loader would appear at the top of the page, completely offscreen. For BB6 and WebOS (both have similar issues), we position the loader over what you clicked on with the rationale that it would at least be visible. In your case, you scrolled the object close to offscreen and clicked it so the loader if a bit off.