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jQuery Mobile Framework
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Need for html text as value in form #945

Closed kurteknikk closed 13 years ago

kurteknikk commented 13 years ago

Need support for something like this:

This text in a form is readonly

The automatic align is based on input elements which is logical because a form expects input elements but in those special cases were we want to display non editable fields like "readonly fields" i like to show them as static html text (most probably they need to be in a span to make sure its styles well or else what's after the label should all be aligned to the right since it will be part of the "value".

I'm not sure if this is good logic as per the "rules" being observed within jquery mobile...

kurteknikk commented 13 years ago

Examples are better then words, have a look at this simple demo: http://kurteknikk.dyndns.ws/test/page2.html

I expect that "Device Value" will be aligned with the textbox and not on the label side.

toddparker commented 13 years ago

Thanks, added as a feature request here: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/wiki/Feature-Requests