jquery-archive / jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile Framework
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Thumbs on listview not styling correctly #947

Closed garyns closed 13 years ago

garyns commented 13 years ago

This is a relog of #859 (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/issue/859#issue/859). Twice I've added comments to that issue and it switches to a closed status?

Here is a screen shot of the problem (1 Feb). http://www.resmart.com.au/jqm/i2.png

toddparker commented 13 years ago

What device/version is this seen on. Can you please also post a link with sample code because out thumbnail image examples work fine.

BTW - If you hit "comment and close" the issue closes. Just hit comment!

garyns commented 13 years ago

Verified fixed. Closing.

garyns commented 13 years ago


My pull request was approved fixing it a week or so ago. I mistakenly assumed that the approver would have also closed the issue off.

I've closed the issue now.

Thanks, Gary.

On 15/03/2011 2:45 AM, toddparker wrote:

What device/version is this seen on. Can you please also post a link with sample code because out thumbnail image examples work fine.

BTW - If you hit "comment and close" the issue closes. Just hit comment!
