jquery-archive / plugins.jquery.com

The jQuery Plugins site
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Add rating (votes) to plugins #90

Open rasca opened 11 years ago

rasca commented 11 years ago

It would be nice if we could rate each plugin based on our experience with it. I think this would require the users to log in. Maybe through your github account?

dflock commented 11 years ago

Yes, completely agree. One of my major issues with the old plugins site was a complete lack of filtering, ranking and social proof.

There are a huge number of jQuery plugins available – and there are usually loads that appear to do the same thing. If I need a new plugin for something – how do I know which one to choose? How do I find out which ones are the best/quickest/lightest/etc.., without downloading and testing all of them by hand every time – along with lots of Googling?

You couldn't – you just had to try out loads, google loads and slowly build up a set of favourite plugins that you trusted.

So far, the new plugins site isn't much better at this.

It needs – on the homepage and index pages – user ratings, download counts, github:forks/stars/watchers, likes, G+’s, etc.. for each plugin. Not necessarily that, but some kind of ranking/social proof/meta data whenever you display a plugin name/link – to allow people to see the communities estimation of which plugins are the ‘best’ – and then you need to be able to filter/sort by this when searching.

doberkofler commented 11 years ago


ajpiano commented 11 years ago

Of the things listed here, we can order them by complexity and file issues accordingly. The "low hanging fruit" here is to actually show and make use of the data we already have, which is the github forks/stars etc. We should certainly be showing that in the other templates.

User ratings will be something we can add once we have user accounts, which is something we're planning for a bit further down the line.Though I have always been a bit skeptical of these. Something a bit more binary, e.g., allowing people to "favorite" plugins on the site and seeing which are most favorited might work better than the granularity of a star rating system, where everyone's barometer for what constitutes a 5-star plugin, etc can be slightly different.

Download counts could also be challenging, as people aren't actually downloading files from us, so that download link isn't a hit on our server...

Not sure how we feel about integrating social media things e.g., FB likes, G+ etc. Can feel a bit noisy, but could be a lot easier to integrate in the short term than our own user account stuff.

In principle, though, +1 on this issue :+1: - we definitely want the site to be better at indicating which plugins are trustworthy and useful and know it isn't quite "there" yet

doberkofler commented 11 years ago

Showing the forks/stars in the search results would already be a major step forward. I personally very much like the voting system of stackoverflow but it clearly also needs some form of registration. The combined votes should then be used to define a reputation for the submitter of plugins.

niutech commented 11 years ago

+1 for rating, at least for now you could easily add sorting by popularity (pageviews), as in Issue #99.

jzaefferer commented 11 years ago

There are endless potential metrics, but for each one we need to prove their usefulness first, their potential for being gamed (or prevention of that) and their effort for implementation. Data has to be available to WordPress, without adding crazy complexity.

Generally we should look at other sites, like Firefox Addons, Drupal modules and npmjs.org.

jzaefferer commented 11 years ago

See also #62, which looks at Drupal.

niutech commented 11 years ago

Measuring popularity by page views or download counts is the most simple and widespread method, included in milions of blogs (e.g. "Popular Posts" in Blogger), add-on repositories ("Most Popular Extensions" in Firefox) or module directories ("Most installed" in Drupal). So why don't you implement sorting by popularity?

jzaefferer commented 11 years ago

We track page views in Google Analytics, but don't have that data easily available in WordPress. We don't have any data for downloads or uses of plugins.

niutech commented 11 years ago

Since it's Wordpress, you could simply activate one of the PostViews, Popular Posts or Google Analytics Top Posts plugins, as well as the PostRatings plugin.

Globegitter commented 11 years ago

Yep, it would be brilliant and add so much value to that site if there would be something done along these lines quickly. Apart from just showing it as information for each plugin, it would also be good to have a "top plugins" below the "recent updates" in the sidebar. And yeah, a sort by popularity as well as ratings (down the road at least) would be even more helpful. Keep up the good work.

nacin commented 11 years ago

A few thoughts, from my experience in managing the WordPress plugins directory:

niutech commented 11 years ago

Any updates? Browsing tens or hundreds of similar plugins without any hint like rating is like groping in darkness. It's easy to find low quality plugins, which don't have good support etc.