jquery-backstretch / jquery-backstretch

Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.
MIT License
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Images Will Sometimes Be Upside-Down #459

Open leoherzog opened 7 years ago

leoherzog commented 7 years ago

When I feed images into $.backstretch(), certain images will spontaneously be upside-down.

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/ojx03592/1/

musicjunk commented 7 years ago

Hi, look at the EXIF information on flickr. The Rotation is 180°.

leoherzog commented 7 years ago

Aha. Is there some way to set backstretch to ignore EXIF rotation?

musicjunk commented 7 years ago

No, backstretch doesn't care of this. That's the reason why it is not rotated correct. The thing is that the original is upside down and rotated in flickr. Download the original and open it - it is upside down.